CERRITOS W. SOCCER Coaches - Sexual Harassment

This came out last year and unfortunately it appears that cal Berkeley is not the only school with this type of behavior. I recently learned through a friend that another D1 school has a head coach that will verbally attack and text players when they make a big mistake in the game. The player also gets singled out during the following week. Why do some allow coaches to berate our daughters? Suck it up? You will become a better person? Don’t just blame the coach but blame yourself if you are setting a precedent with your player.
Some coaches seem to think that humiliation, mocking, belittling, and/or intimidation are effective motivators.
He has a notorious rep. He has been on Admins and coaches radar for a long time. They all know keep kids away from him. It wasn’t from a sexual harassment standpoint but he does just about anything to recruit players. Most coaches and admins go about there business and ignore these shady types - they believe they will eventually dig their own grave. Yet, there are schools/clubs who welcome these types because they can get them players - doesn’t matter to them how they do it. All people have to go do is talk to ODP coaches, local College coaches, places he has worked to figure that out. You really only have to go to back to him using a player with modified birth certificate so he could recruit other players he wanted - that got him a state Cup. No real consequences from that or from other places allows these types to stay employed. See

Sorry you went through that. Hopefully with you standing up and telling the right people, this will get these predators out of places where they can continue to do these things. It is unfortunate the soccer (and it’s the same in other youth sports) system tends to bury these things. If you haven’t found an attorney, I suggest you do. Institutions (with deep pockets) tend to lawyer up and defend these people before admitting fault. They go after the victim and will find anything they can as ammo. I would at this time advise you not to post further. Not just because it puts you at legal risk, but also allows these people to gather more info they shouldn’t have. Law enforcement and any good attorney will advise you not to post...for now
Will he be charge for any of the things he has been accused of?
Hi All,
This is a story that has been surfacing the past 48 hours. This story contains my experiences there a collegiate athlete and so many other young women’s story who have been affected by the actions of these coaches. I hope you all can find time to watch this story and visit my Instagram for more updates and how all the girls stories who have reached out to me to share their story. We deserve justice from these coaches who also have affiliations with high school coaching jobs, and major club teams.

I'm so sorry to hear the horrible experience you and other victims have had @ Cerritos College. I was reading up no the case that Brent and Memo and other coaches have against you which is mind blowing how you can sue someone for speaking the truth. They should face legal consequences for their actions. Please do keep us up-date and do take legal actions against every coach who is at fault.