Caption this.


Not sure it really counts as a caption... but I do think it is a good life lesson. If you can only find someone who looks at you the way Ivanka looks at Justin Trudeau- you'll have done well with your life.
Well... seeings how you label everyone left of Rush Limbaugh a communist, I'd say about 99.99% of the worlds mom's are into commies...
Xavi is left of Rush, and I didnt label him a communist.
He's a pinko.
You seem like a pinko too.
Just own it, you work in Hollywood, right?

Justin's mom had a love child with a real commie.
Aww, somebody’s butt-hurt. Who’s to blame? Kenyan president, Mexican rapists, Muslims, trannies or pinko X. You’re Archie Bunker, but I don’t think you’re playing it for laughs.

Geeeez need to project the reality in your life of how many
different groups have violated your exit chute....

I guess the sane thing to do is laugh it off, telling the Forum your butt hurts
after a five round variety pack and an old man is a bit much.....

Not sure it really counts as a caption... but I do think it is a good life lesson. If you can only find someone who looks at you the way Ivanka looks at Justin Trudeau- you'll have done well with your life.

That's a business decision look, of course Mr Turd would think otherwise....
Accounts for his rotten luck as a youth with women....Poor Poor Turd.
And the forums 40 year old virgin says but "that's a business decision look..." haha

Barkin up the wrong tree Mr Turd.....if you have unfulfilled male desires from youth I'm sure
Ol Stephanie Clifford could bring you up to speed, but you'll have to set up a flight/room with
her new " Agent " he's quite desperate for cash at the present time....
And she'll clue you in on " The Look "....