Uh, teachers have been teaching remotely and kiddie soccer had been significantly limited for quite a whole now, so actually I have “won”, although this isn’t a contest like you seem to think it is. We are finally getting to a point that death rates are going down because enough people have had it, more are getting vaccinated, and treatment methods have improved, so that implementing return to school plans with low risk are now becoming feasible and remote education less necessary. Using terminology you can understand, it means I “won” because my “side” got what it wanted, namely remote education and limited kiddie soccer until we reached a point that death rates would be significantly lower when we try to return to normal.
You act like this was a contest between either in person or remote school, when the reality is that it has always been about saving people’s lives. You also act like you “won”, despite going 0-11 on a month by month basis, That is some “victory” you got after losing every day for more than a year. That is one of the main problems you magats have. You look at this like it’s a left v. right contest, when it has nothing to do with that. I will say it has been thoroughly enjoyable learning the thought processes of trumpanzees over these many months, even if it is barely more than a typical Neanderthalic hunter gatherer.