Yes, clearly masks and distancing don't work. That's why Japan is struggling. That's why Europe is still struggling. That's why we are the only rich nation that is still struggling.
Covid is worse than the flu death wise when not contained, but more importantly, it's more debilitating to those who get a bad case and don't die. Have you ever met someone who had the flu and years later is still dealing with side effects from that flu? There are hundreds of thousands of people with Covid for whom that is true. And because 75 million people in our country are considered high risk due to pre-existing conditions and many millions more are at risk due to age, there is no plan for opening that won't seriously harm millions on top of those who will needlessly die.
We all love soccer. We all want our kids in school and playing games. Some of us believe in science and experts. Some of us/you don't. Some of us care about others, some don't.
“years later”? WTH? Covid has only existed for 8 months...... Talk about fear mongering.....