Who says it doesn't "represent" money?
I'm asking for an explanation as to why it would represent real monetary value.
Why does "00000000839a8e6886ab5951d76f411475428afc90947ee320161bbf18eb6048" represent $1.9M.
What is the incentive to purchase that group of letters and numbers when they won't get you anything except some potential future value that by the looks of it is a 21st century ponzi scheme.
The entire bitcoin blockchain can fit within a disk drive that you can buy for fifty bucks on Amazon and that disk drive -- to me -- is more valuable because the disk drive is an actual physical asset. Why is that blockchain worth billions?
People spent millions of dollars on Farmville assets on Facebook that are now worth zero because the game is now gone. Why will Bitcoin be any different?
Please, make it make sense. Bonus points if you can avoid the words "fiat" or "gold".