Bayern GPS-Central tryouts

@Really and instead of PMing me with a stupid heading that you know what I did last summer and asking me what my problem is, why don't you tell us which club you coach at although I have a pretty good guess...the club that is losing players to Bayern.
Rells is a coach. For someone to claim that he lost his license is wrong. Plus I am sure an organization like Global Premier Soccer does its due diligence and would not want a coach that had lost his license. I am not minimizing that he is a screamer but somehow parents like him and stick with him, right or wrong. Everyone has to make a choice for their family.

However, looking into Global it just looks like they are going to be set up like other clubs that have affiliates although I am not sure if affiliate is the right legal word in this situation. The central San Diego group is led by AC Toumi and Talia. Talia will also have oversite for all of San Diego and is a Sockers coach. They also have a US Scout that I spoke with at a tournament. I would not have any concerns having one of my children play for them in the Cental club if they had teams in the appropriate age group.
I wonder where the screaming and belittling of the players would cross some sort of line and the referee would be justified in ejecting the coach? Something along the lines of "Sorry coach, but in my judgement you are mentally abusing children and I am sending you to the parking lot." I'm almost tempted to double dog dare you.

I don't know about the other leagues but Presidio/SDDA has the following "gaming regulation":

"Coaches are expected to coach their teams in a positive and respectful manner. Presidio/SDDA Soccer League encourages referees to discipline any coach for irresponsible behavior if the coach...uses derogatory words or actions aimed at their players...."

My son played SCDSL this year but in the 4 prior years of SDDA I never once saw a ref discipline a coach for derogatory actions towards his players despite there being plenty of opportunities to do so. I don't doubt that there are a few refs out there that would, but my I guess is that most refs either aren't aware of their authority to do so, or don't have the confidence to do so. Ironically, many refs are quick to confront a coach if the derogatory words are directed at them. Call me idealistic but I think the same standard should apply whether the derogatory words are directed at a ref or a player. I could even make a good faith argument that they should be even tougher on derogatory comments to kids, since it involves an adult authority figure to child communication versus ref and coach communication which is typically adult to adult. Obviously those types of comments are inappropriate regardless.

Coaches that use intimidation and fear to "motivate" are lazy and uncreative. They typically are the same coaches that joystick their players throughout the game. I'm all for passionate and demanding coaches, particularly when it comes to effort; however, I draw the line at intimidation, condescension, and belittling comments. That type of coaching, at best, only yields short term results, and at worst destroys a kid's passion for soccer.
@avh get back to me in a few months to let me know how that play time is coming along. Did your dd get an offer to return next season? I bet you will be complaining about AS in a few months.

Unfortunately, Andre won't be the coach in a few months, as it stands today. So it's pretty safe to say your prediction will be wrong. But are you implying that I complained about Toumi as a coach? That is, of course, prior to him bailing on his teams mid-season. If so, you need to go check your source, because that is inaccurate information.

But according to you, maybe I should have been complaining about him. In an earlier post you told me:
Not because your child is not worthy of more playing time but because of the pay to play system that starts with the track suit wearing used car salesmen. You are not willing to play his game and that is what hurts your child's playing time.
Since the coach ultimately controls the playing time (last I checked) … Toumi must be that “track suit wearing used car salesmen” you are talking about. Damn ... it's all so clear now.

And I find it interesting that you imply you don’t have a grudge against CSC. That …
It was the firing of Directors that I did not care for
Something that hasn’t happened in at least 7 years. Then you turn around and start going after Rene again … in two consecutive posts.

It’s even funnier that you say …
Has the number of teams increased or the level of play increased since RM has been there? I think not
But in an earlier post you said …
If you want to make CSC the center of this thread, explain to me what Rene has done for the club since he has been there, either size, money or development? I honestly don't follow him so please educate us with the facts.
So which is it? Do you follow him so you can make bold statements like “I think not”, or do you honestly not follow him? You just can’t have it both ways.

I think I need to give you some advice I used to give San Diego Joe. LET IT GO. You and your child have moved on. Focus your time and energy making your current club better.
Unfortunately, Andre won't be the coach in a few months, as it stands today. So it's pretty safe to say your prediction will be wrong. But are you implying that I complained about Toumi as a coach? That is, of course, prior to him bailing on his teams mid-season. If so, you need to go check your source, because that is inaccurate information.

But according to you, maybe I should have been complaining about him. In an earlier post you told me: Since the coach ultimately controls the playing time (last I checked) … Toumi must be that “track suit wearing used car salesmen” you are talking about. Damn ... it's all so clear now.

And I find it interesting that you imply you don’t have a grudge against CSC. That … Something that hasn’t happened in at least 7 years. Then you turn around and start going after Rene again … in two consecutive posts.

It’s even funnier that you say … But in an earlier post you said … So which is it? Do you follow him so you can make bold statements like “I think not”, or do you honestly not follow him? You just can’t have it both ways.

I think I need to give you some advice I used to give San Diego Joe. LET IT GO. You and your child have moved on. Focus your time and energy making your current club better.
Wow another outburst from avh. Sure you didn’t complain you just brought your collection of graphs and charts and demanded playtime in return for your autistic record-keeping. Remind me again why septuagenarians are so interested in low level soccer as if their little precious gems would ever amount to anything.
Avh - Keep on twisting. The point is that you do not like Toumi because your dd did not get the playing time you feel she deserves. So you got on here to badmouth him stating that he is a bad person because he left mid season and has been at 4 clubs in 5 years. Then merely because I point out that he left CSC who had 4 directors in 5ish years you attack me. Why is it ok for a club but not a coach that is trying to make a living. If a better opportunity comes up who are we to begrudge him. Each opportunity he accepted looks better than the last to me. All of us would do the same.

As far as his contract, you and I both don't know when it ends. But trust me, Albion has no problem going after coaches that leave. I have personally witnessed it. So I guess we shall see. And maybe Albion was playing the same game with him that they are doing with parents, locking him into next year. We don't know so until you have evidence drop it.

Now why don't you focus on your dds. Maybe if you did you would not have lied to your 02 team about the real reason she did not go back east with the team, too many players requiring 2 not to suit up and you believed your dd would be one of them. So much for you keeping your commitments. And why aren't you trying to leave Albion? That's right because you have already burned your bridge at Surf. At least you know that you can always go back to CSC. LOL

PS There are plenty of parents on this site that have no problem PMing about the drama on your team.
Avh - Keep on twisting. The point is that you do not like Toumi because your dd did not get the playing time you feel she deserves. So you got on here to badmouth him stating that he is a bad person because he left mid season and has been at 4 clubs in 5 years. Then merely because I point out that he left CSC who had 4 directors in 5ish years you attack me.
Hold on there boy … let’s review who is twisting things here with your revisionist history. Go back and review the thread “Coach Movement and 2018 Assignments”. In Post #180, you claimed
FYI-Let's not exaggerate. Toumi's contract at Crusaders was not renewed after 20ish years due to CSC hurting financially because of Board mismanagement. And while Albion seemed like a good opportunity, he put his faith in an untrustworthy track suit wearing used car salesman.
Remember that? Now go check the 179 post before that one. None of them from Avh. Quite a few from you, but none from Avh. I didn’t chime in until Post #184 where I corrected the lie you were trying to perpetuate about CSC. And I pointed out that after 4 clubs in 5 years…
at some point, you really have to stop blaming the clubs and the "untrustworthy track suit wearing used car salesman" and take some ownership.
Take notice of the noun, YOU, not Toumi. YOU were the one that was making these claims, not Toumi. In the same post I even acknowledged Toumi is a good trainer for youngers. I did point out that Toumi bailed on his two DA teams midseason. A fact that even you can’t deny (once I clarified to you the USSDA definition of “season”).

And then you spent quite a few post badmouthing CSC and throwing out misinformation with no facts to back any of it up. I would correct your misinformation and give you my sources … even offered to meet up with you to show you the email you demanded to see. I noticed you still haven’t gotten back with me to work out a time and place to meet. Interesting. So in summary who is twisting the fact here? Look close ... I think even you can see it.

As far as his contract, you and I both don't know when it ends. But trust me, Albion has no problem going after coaches that leave. I have personally witnessed it. So I guess we shall see. And maybe Albion was playing the same game with him that they are doing with parents, locking him into next year. We don't know so until you have evidence drop it.
Huh, when did I last mention contracts? Back on January 5th … in an answer to your question
And, No, I've never seen a coaches contract. I've never been that interested. I'm mainly interested in getting the best coaching and the best experience for my daughters for what I pay. Having a coach bail mid season does not meet my expectation.
Why did you feel the need to talk about contract again? So you could throw out your speculation about how Albion was the bad guy here … and then imply it was me who brought up contracts by telling me to drop it? A very creative twist on that.

Now why don't you focus on your dds.
I am, and I have been. The weird thing is that YOU seem to be focusing on my daughters quite a bit also … and their teams … and a club that you claim you haven’t had a child or family member at for 10 years. Kind of odd … and a bit creepy.
Maybe if you did you would not have lied to your 02 team
I lied to the 02 team? I didn’t even talk to any of the girls on the 02 team … except my daughter of course. Do you want to tell me what I supposedly said, and to whom I said it, and of course who told you I said it? I just can’t wait to hear this.
And why aren't you trying to leave Albion? That's right because you have already burned your bridge at Surf.
Uh, none of my five kids have ever played for Surf. I would suggest that it is hard to burn a bridge … that never was there.
PS There are plenty of parents on this site that have no problem PMing about the drama on your team.
Okay … that’s starting to explain a lot about how you get so much of your information wrong. Third … fourth … fifth hand gossip is where you come up with your information. But when I want to show you the direct first hand emails that you demanded to see … you are no longer interested because you know I can produce them. And facts really don’t seem to have a place in your forum persona.
Wow another outburst from avh. Sure you didn’t complain you just brought your collection of graphs and charts and demanded playtime in return for your autistic record-keeping.
Uh, I think you may be a little mixed up on this complaining conversation. Go re-read my “outburst”. I’ll try to explain it in terms that even you can understand. You see Fact was betting that I would be complaining about Andre in a few months. Got it so far?

I pointed out that Andre wouldn’t be the coach in a few months, so his/her prediction will probably be wrong. Are you still with me?

And then I told Fact that if he/she was implying that I complained about Toumi as a coach (prior to him bailing on his teams mid-season), that he/she better check his/her sources, because that is inaccurate information. Did you follow that this time?

If you know of someone who says I complained to them about Toumi as a coach, please point them out to me so we can clarify this misunderstanding.

And just so you know, USSDA does some really “autistic record-keeping” (in your words) … here is a link to where you can find it . It’s all there. Just click on the team and click on the game … it doesn’t take much to summarize it.

Remind me again why septuagenarians are so interested in low level soccer as if their little precious gems would ever amount to anything.
Septuagenarian … wow, big word … but you’re a couple of decades off. And … remind me again why a parent shouldn’t be interested in an activity their child is participating in? I kind of assume that is why you are on this forum, or am I wrong?
Fact said I would complain about Andre
I pointed out that Andre wouldn’t be the coach in a few months so I won’t have to

And then I told Fact that if he/she was implying that I complained about Toumi as a coach he/she was clearly mistaken didn’t complain about Toumi, I complained about everything Toumi was doing.

And just so you know, USSDA does report basic stats, I simply parsed through each match report to run my own data analysis to quantify average play time for each individual player and then brought the results to everyone so they could see that not only was my lil Gemstone quantifiably underperforming but theirs were too, starting a riot and pushing Toumi out. I put a lot of effort into those spreadsheets. A more apt man could have automated the process to knock the analysis out in 15 minutes or so, but I went in and did it all by hand because I care. That may or may not be why the finished product was a bit sloppy too.

Septuagenarian, oh ho ho you little trickster that was a fine jab… but you’re actually a couple of decades off. I’m really 90
Hold on there boy … let’s review who is twisting things here with your revisionist history. Go back and review the thread “Coach Movement and 2018 Assignments”. In Post #180, you claimed Remember that? Now go check the 179 post before that one. None of them from Avh. Quite a few from you, but none from Avh. I didn’t chime in until Post #184 where I corrected the lie you were trying to perpetuate about CSC. And I pointed out that after 4 clubs in 5 years… Take notice of the noun, YOU, not Toumi. YOU were the one that was making these claims, not Toumi. In the same post I even acknowledged Toumi is a good trainer for youngers. I did point out that Toumi bailed on his two DA teams midseason. A fact that even you can’t deny (once I clarified to you the USSDA definition of “season”).

And then you spent quite a few post badmouthing CSC and throwing out misinformation with no facts to back any of it up. I would correct your misinformation and give you my sources … even offered to meet up with you to show you the email you demanded to see. I noticed you still haven’t gotten back with me to work out a time and place to meet. Interesting. So in summary who is twisting the fact here? Look close ... I think even you can see it.

Huh, when did I last mention contracts? Back on January 5th … in an answer to your questionWhy did you feel the need to talk about contract again? So you could throw out your speculation about how Albion was the bad guy here … and then imply it was me who brought up contracts by telling me to drop it? A very creative twist on that.

I am, and I have been. The weird thing is that YOU seem to be focusing on my daughters quite a bit also … and their teams … and a club that you claim you haven’t had a child or family member at for 10 years. Kind of odd … and a bit creepy.
I lied to the 02 team? I didn’t even talk to any of the girls on the 02 team … except my daughter of course. Do you want to tell me what I supposedly said, and to whom I said it, and of course who told you I said it? I just can’t wait to hear this.
Uh, none of my five kids have ever played for Surf. I would suggest that it is hard to burn a bridge … that never was there.
Okay … that’s starting to explain a lot about how you get so much of your information wrong. Third … fourth … fifth hand gossip is where you come up with your information. But when I want to show you the direct first hand emails that you demanded to see … you are no longer interested because you know I can produce them. And facts really don’t seem to have a place in your forum persona.

No one cares about Csc it's a stupid club. Sorry ptsd from the last time this dominated when that club is a basic rec one.
No one cares about Csc it's a stupid club. Sorry ptsd from the last time this dominated when that club is a basic rec one.
Come on now. Let's play nice. There are a few good coaches and players left at CSC although I cannot figure out why.
Uh, I think you may be a little mixed up on this complaining conversation. Go re-read my “outburst”. I’ll try to explain it in terms that even you can understand. You see Fact was betting that I would be complaining about Andre in a few months. Got it so far?

If you know of someone who says I complained to them about Toumi as a coach, please point them out to me

Septuagenarian … wow, big word … but you’re a couple of decades off. And … remind me again why a parent shouldn’t be interested in an activity their child is participating in? I kind of assume that is why you are on this forum, or am I wrong?
Serious question. How do the girls like Andre? Hasn't he only trained boys?

I was going to use my mean mediation skills to help you 3 but the problem is that as a Platinum member you have deleted posts. I have a fairly good memory because I was looking at him as a coach.

In reference to septuagenarian, do you know that a "couple of decisions" mean 20-30 years, not 2-3 years?
Serious question. How do the girls like Andre? Hasn't he only trained boys?

I was going to use my mean mediation skills to help you 3 but the problem is that as a Platinum member you have deleted posts. I have a fairly good memory because I was looking at him as a coach.

In reference to septuagenarian, do you know that a "couple of decisions" mean 20-30 years, not 2-3 years?
*i meant decades not decisions
Well the sun is down so he has undoubtedly donned his depends and gone off to bed by now but he will be up early tomorrow, bran muffin in hand to answer your questions.
Real talk though CSC is undeniably bush-league
Well the sun is down so he has undoubtedly donned his depends and gone off to bed by now but he will be up early tomorrow, bran muffin in hand to answer your questions.
Real talk though CSC is undeniably bush-league
At least this “bush-league” team has never had a coach that tried to f^%* the kids. At least we have coaches at all.
Septuagenarian, oh ho ho you little trickster
I’m pretty sure he’s in the century club though.
This is one toxic thread.

Let's all shake hands and go back to our corners of the interwebs. People are starting to talk about each others' kids. Not a great look on anyone for any reason.

On topic: hopefully all the kids in the area get the coaching they deserve whether it's at neighborhood clubs just providing a place for kids to learn and love the game or ambitious mega-clubs with resources to burn and names to put in lights.

It's a beautiful game played by kids, let's enjoy it.