Bad News Thread

Paul asked the wrong question, Fauci tried to clearly explain why it was the wrong question, and Paul cut him off.

Not only was Paul wrong, but he was rude while being wrong. That is no way to treat someone who is there as a resource to help you.
Fauci is not there as a resource to help him. His function is to justify and defend the recommendations coming out of us public health. Paul’s function is to raise questions and concerns about said recommendations
Fauci is not there as a resource to help him. His function is to justify and defend the recommendations coming out of us public health. Paul’s function is to raise questions and concerns about said recommendations

Nonsense. Paul's function is to get re-elected. His antics are aimed at the hearts (but not the minds) of his base.
Nonsense. Paul's function is to get re-elected. His antics are aimed at the hearts (but not the minds) of his base.
Fair but you mistake his function for his purpose. His function is supposed to be to scrutinize the executive branch. It’s why they hold these hearings. There isn’t a covid bill here...they aren’t legislating...they are using the congressional oversight power. His purposes, like all other politicians, is to get re-elected.
Fair but you mistake his function for his purpose. His function is supposed to be to scrutinize the executive branch. It’s why they hold these hearings. There isn’t a covid bill here...they aren’t legislating...they are using the congressional oversight power. His purposes, like all other politicians, is to get re-elected.

If Paul wanted to find out the facts, he should have let Fauci answer. He's just playing the bully so the wanna-be tough guys looking on can say "Paul really got Fauci there".
I believe Fauci was wrong about this (from NYTimes)

One jab is doing the job
The global leaders in Covid-19 vaccination rates are Israel and the United Arab Emirates. After them come a handful of countries that have each given between 30 and 45 shots for every 100 residents, including the United States, Britain, Bahrain, Chile and Serbia.​

But these handful of countries have followed two different strategies. The U.S. and most others have tried to make sure that anybody who gets a first vaccine shot gets the second shot within a few weeks (except in the case of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which requires only one shot). Britain has instead maximized the number of people who receive one “jab,” as the British call it — and has delayed the second jab, often for about three months.​
Kate Bingham, a venture capitalist who led the committee that advised the British government on vaccination, has described the strategy this way: “I think it’s the right public health response, which is to show that you try and vaccinate as many people as possible, as soon as possible. Better to protect everybody a bit rather than to vaccinate fewer people to give them an extra 10 percent protection.”​
So far, the data suggest that Britain’s approach is working — because even a single shot provides strong protection against the virus.​
A delay seems OK
As Dr. Robert Wachter of the University of California, San Francisco, has written, “According to most vaccine experts, delaying shot #2 by a few months is unlikely to materially diminish the ultimate effectiveness of two shots.”​
In Britain, the daily number of new Covid cases has fallen by more than 90 percent since peaking in early January. The decline is larger than in virtually any other country. (In the U.S., new cases have fallen 79 percent since January.) Given that the contagious B.1.1.7 variant was first discovered in Britain and is now the country’s dominant virus form, “Britain’s free-fall in cases is all the more impressive,” Wachter told me. “Clearly their vaccination strategy has been highly effective.”​
British deaths have also plummeted in recent weeks:​
If Paul wanted to find out the facts, he should have let Fauci answer. He's just playing the bully so the wanna-be tough guys looking on can say "Paul really got Fauci there".
The other alternative is he really just dislikes fauci and has contempt for what he’s saying and wants to show him up for not knowing what he’s talking about
Alleged? It’s been sequenced and they test for it.

The problem is higher R. Same problem as the UK variant, but different mutations that cause it.

"The variant now makes up nearly half of COVID-19 cases in Southern California."

Does the variant make up half the deaths in So Cal? How do they test for "it"?
Paul asked the wrong question, Fauci tried to clearly explain why it was the wrong question, and Paul cut him off.

Not only was Paul wrong, but he was rude while being wrong. That is no way to treat someone who is there as a resource to help you.

I don't see Dad o 4. Was it Mark Twain that said "it's easier to convince a man that he's a fool than to convince him he's been fooled?"
Do you see Espola? I see EOTL and Long Game. I think i also see Husker. Listen, tickets to see the truth is free, you just need to believe. Everyone has the choice to live a lie ((Darkness)) or live in the truth ((Light)).
I can see why you wouldn’t. Fauci has been wrong about pretty much the majority of stuff he’s said and you’ve just followed him along

I have an open mind about Fauci. I recognize that he spent most of a year in a difficult position - trying to speak the truth while standing directly behind a man who was telling obvious self-serving lies. I don't have enough expertise in his specialty to judge the accuracy or intent of his positions, but I disagree that he has been wrong about pretty much the majority of stuff he’s said.
What the lockdowners can't explain is that why a yr into it why does TX, FL, CA all have roughly the same numbers.

@dad4 likes to say why look at just 3 states? I say those 3 states have about 90 million people...enough to say CA screwed the pooch. They may as well have sent kids to school and had biz open. They got nothing from the closure covid related, but screwed kids, the poor, biz etc..all while ending up in the same place as TX/FL who did the opposite.

If 90 million people is not a large enough sample size what pray tell is???
All the mathematical models in the world aren't worth a damn if they can't predict what will happen. I'm not denying epidemiologists are experts, but with COVID they are about as successful as stock pickers - right more often than the general population, but regularly wrong. The most recent example is Fauci's guidance that we shouldn't delay the 2nd shot. It's likely thousands more will die because of this. It's not because he's a bad guy. I believe he wanted what was best. However, there's no denying that he appears to be wrong and people will die because of it.

Then you have the historians who know math that sit around and look for correlations as to why their preferred policy wasn't successful and then blame it on "people" while ignoring the responsibility of leaders to lead people. Boring and useless. To lead, one must know who "we" are. Short of a Chinese-style lockdown, we are going to have to look at where we can mitigate risk and focus on that.
Do you see Espola? I see EOTL and Long Game. I think i also see Husker. Listen, tickets to see the truth is free, you just need to believe. Everyone has the choice to live a lie ((Darkness)) or live in the truth ((Light)).
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.