That's not the point.
The point is 30 round clips were available in a semi automatic "assault" rifle, yet school shootings were rare.
So tell us again what has changed....
And almost nobody owned them. What changed?
That's not the point.
The point is 30 round clips were available in a semi automatic "assault" rifle, yet school shootings were rare.
So tell us again what has changed....
It's called a discussion ya jack ass.
You've offered that it's the NRA fault for all these school shootings.
That of course is absurd.
What effect did the Obama administration's stance on gun laws have on gun sales?And almost nobody owned them. What changed?
What effect did the Obama administration's stance on gun laws have on gun sales?
What would gun sales do if the populace was not concerned with the government banning weapons?Gun sales peak upward after every mass shooting because the loons fear the government might be forced to act logically and pass laws supported by the majority of Americans. effect did the Obama administration's stance on gun laws have on gun sales?
Fake news.
. . . and, the White House sends out photos of everything Trump signs with grand flair, why not this? sales peak upward after every mass shooting because the loons fear the government might be forced to act logically and pass laws supported by the majority of Americans.
Really?And almost nobody owned them. What changed?
I found that picture for you,
. . . and, the White House sends out photos of everything Trump signs with grand flair, why not this?
. . . the "Fake news" cries about things you don't want to acknowledge as fact have now gone from 'trend' to now nutter policy.Fake news.
The good ole days. When men were men and liberals were moderate republicans.Really?
You can prove that statement?
Those guns were available and were easier to purchase...
Hell, Oswald ordered his Carcano rifle, that he used to kill Kennedy, and a Smith & Wesson pistol through a mail order catalog....try that now Magoo.
Guns were cheaper....I see an M-1 carbine below for $78.00 and change....
Its fake.. . . the "Fake news" cries about things you don't want to acknowledge as fact have now gone from 'trend' to now nutter policy.
You can prove that statement?
Those guns were available and were easier to purchase...
Hell, Oswald ordered his Carcano rifle, that he used to kill Kennedy, and a Smith & Wesson pistol through a mail order catalog....try that now Magoo.
Guns were cheaper....I see an M-1 carbine below for $78.00 and change....
Yes, an Oswald reloaded twice in 8 seconds if you can believe that . . . how many people can you kill with a single action rifle compared to a semi-automatic AR? Or with a bump stock (which Congress said they would act on but have once again done nothing)?Really?
You can prove that statement?
Those guns were available and were easier to purchase...
Hell, Oswald ordered his Carcano rifle, that he used to kill Kennedy, and a Smith & Wesson pistol through a mail order catalog....try that now Magoo.
Guns were cheaper....I see an M-1 carbine below for $78.00 and change....
Poor old Magoo, cry me a river...I gave you my position on the discussion. You are pretending I didn't. Seems to be a habit of yours. Will you still be asking me this months from now?
How we define mass shootings.And almost nobody owned them. What changed?
Poor old Magoo, cry me a river...
I said I disagreed with your NRA's much more complex than that.
As I said before, the idiots are more common...
What has changed in our society that emboldens these unconscionable amoral malcontents to act out in this manor?
I'm wondering why we have more unconscionable amoral malcontents...
You blame the NRA....brilliant!
Nothing new under the sun . . .Poor old Magoo, cry me a river...
I said I disagreed with your NRA's much more complex than that.
As I said before, the idiots are more common...
What has changed in our society that emboldens these unconscionable amoral malcontents to act out in this manor?
I'm wondering why we have more unconscionable amoral malcontents...
You blame the NRA....brilliant!