An amazing case for reducing gun ownership in America

Yet another sad story of mis-handling firearms by people who obviously didn't get proper training.

A 14-year-old Indiana boy was accidentally shot and killed by his older sister Sunday as they and their father prepared to go target shooting.
Maybe all kids should be trained in the proper use of firearms.
You could start a signature drive to lobby for having it made a required course in High School.
It could be called the rat gun safety bill.
Maybe all kids should be trained in the proper use of firearms.
You could start a signature drive to lobby for having it made a required course in High School.
It could be called the rat gun safety bill.
I took Hunting & Fishing in 7th grade . . . we should train anyone who wants a firearm and as I said before we should have compulsory military service, compulsory. Even little Donald can sweep the floors and clean the latrines of those capable and willing to be in the actual defense units.
I took Hunting & Fishing in 7th grade . . . we should train anyone who wants a firearm and as I said before we should have compulsory military service, compulsory. Even little Donald can sweep the floors and clean the latrines of those capable and willing to be in the actual defense units.
Sounds a little commie-like, like your union.
I took Hunting & Fishing in 7th grade . . . we should train anyone who wants a firearm and as I said before we should have compulsory military service, compulsory. Even little Donald can sweep the floors and clean the latrines of those capable and willing to be in the actual defense units.
I'll sign the petition.
Lets train at least one family member in every household in marksmanship and proper gun safety.
I'll sign the petition.
Lets train at least one family member in every household in marksmanship and proper gun safety.
It should be offered, not mandatory, this is America, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free to be armed at all times . . . and possibly mistakenly, or maybe not, shoot someone (with some state laws absolving the shooter of guilt). Better be prepared to defend yourself at home, in traffic, at the supermarket, in the parking lot, at Kindergartens . . . you get the point, it is a little crazy.
Yet another sad story of mis-handling firearms by people who obviously didn't get proper training.

A 14-year-old Indiana boy was accidentally shot and killed by his older sister Sunday as they and their father prepared to go target shooting.

Loaded, unlocked guns in the home, and the parents have not taught their teen-age children about gun safety. I know where I would look to place the blame.
"It's Tuesday. This is already the second school shooting this week. Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, the world's largest gun trade show opens today just a few blocks from the Mandalay Bay massacre. Just another day in Amerika..."

The definition of insanity...

Yes....YOU Liberals are the definition of Insanity !
Yes....That is a Fact !
It should be offered, not mandatory, this is America, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free to be armed at all times . . . and possibly mistakenly, or maybe not, shoot someone (with some state laws absolving the shooter of guilt). Better be prepared to defend yourself at home, in traffic, at the supermarket, in the parking lot, at Kindergartens . . . you get the point, it is a little crazy.
I was just stringing you along, rat.
I do think gun safety and marksmanship would be a cool thing to offer as an elective.
Will never happen, though.
The government wants you afraid of guns.