An amazing case for reducing gun ownership in America

Sacha Baron Cohen Gets GOP Lawmakers to Endorse Giving 3-Year-Olds Guns in Stuffed Animals

You’d think that after the insane success of Da Ali G Show, Borat and Bruno, Sacha Baron Cohen wouldn’t be able to fool celebrities into participating in his bombastic pranks.

But in his surprise Showtime series Who Is America?, the British comedian nudges prominent lawmakers into exposing their politically incorrect views on the state of the nation — and the effect is equally hilarious and horrifying.

In Sunday’s premiere, Baron Cohen transforms into Col. Erran Morad, a macho Israeli “terrorist terminator” promoting a program that arms children as young as 3 years old with guns. His schtick? The only way thing that can stop a “bad man with a gun” is a “good boy with a gun.” (Or as Larry Pratt from Gun Owners of America adds, “even a good toddler.”)

“In America, there’s this big problem of shootings in schools. The NRA want to arm the teachers. This is crazy!” Baron Cohen says. “You should be arming the children.”

Scarily enough, several GOP politicians buy into it.

Former congressman Joe Walsh, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, California congressman Dana Rohrabacher and South Carolina congressman Joe Wilson all agree to endorse Baron Cohen’s character’s program for “kinder-guardians,” reading their approval of the plan from a teleprompter from a PSA. (Congressman Matt Gaetz didn’t bite.)
Sacha Baron Cohen Gets GOP Lawmakers to Endorse Giving 3-Year-Olds Guns in Stuffed Animals

You’d think that after the insane success of Da Ali G Show, Borat and Bruno, Sacha Baron Cohen wouldn’t be able to fool celebrities into participating in his bombastic pranks.

But in his surprise Showtime series Who Is America?, the British comedian nudges prominent lawmakers into exposing their politically incorrect views on the state of the nation — and the effect is equally hilarious and horrifying.

In Sunday’s premiere, Baron Cohen transforms into Col. Erran Morad, a macho Israeli “terrorist terminator” promoting a program that arms children as young as 3 years old with guns. His schtick? The only way thing that can stop a “bad man with a gun” is a “good boy with a gun.” (Or as Larry Pratt from Gun Owners of America adds, “even a good toddler.”)

“In America, there’s this big problem of shootings in schools. The NRA want to arm the teachers. This is crazy!” Baron Cohen says. “You should be arming the children.”

Scarily enough, several GOP politicians buy into it.

Former congressman Joe Walsh, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, California congressman Dana Rohrabacher and South Carolina congressman Joe Wilson all agree to endorse Baron Cohen’s character’s program for “kinder-guardians,” reading their approval of the plan from a teleprompter from a PSA. (Congressman Matt Gaetz didn’t bite.)
Makes sense, stop voting against your on best interests. Informed outdoorsmen see the reality of what the NRA and the politicians it backs are actually doing. The protection of outdoor spaces makes them accessible to everyone, not just the wealthy and to allow corporations to strip-mine.

NRA was founded by Union Civil War generals to improve the marksmanship of Americans, since aimed rifle fire was replacing musket volleys as the primary infantry tactic. It accentuated marksmanship and hunter safety and supported gun control laws that kept Americans safer until the late 70's when the organization was taken over by firearms manufacturers, who were more worried about their profits.
NRA was founded by Union Civil War generals to improve the marksmanship of Americans, since aimed rifle fire was replacing musket volleys as the primary infantry tactic. It accentuated marksmanship and hunter safety and supported gun control laws that kept Americans safer until the late 70's when the organization was taken over by firearms manufacturers, who were more worried about their profits.
Reminds me of what Trump has done/is doing by placing people that come from the industries most effected by an administration in charge of that administration . . . the foxes are put in charge of guarding the hen house.

What could go wrong with that?