Amazingcase for increasing gun ownership in America

Ya all just don't know what the meaning of the first Amendment is.

Especially amusing has been the spectacle of those who pronounced themselves anti-Stalinists and denounced the socialist countries at every turn and yet even today applaud each new revolution, although any damned fool has to know that most of them will end in the same place. For that matter, how could we have survived politically were it not for the countless liberals who, to one extent or another, supported us, apparently under the comforting delusion that we were social reformers in rather too much of a hurry—a delusion we ourselves never suffered from.--Genovese
There are liberals and liberals, and a distinction would have to be made in a more leisurely presentation. Even in academia there are indeed those who defend liberal principles tenaciously and honorably. But the countless opportunists and careerists who dominate the historical associations call themselves liberals as a matter of political convenience. They went with the McCarthyite flow in the 1950s and go with its left-wing variant today. In the unlikely prospect of a fascist or communist ascendancy tomorrow, they may be counted on to apply for party cards as soon as it looks like the smart move.--Genovese
Many of my old comrades and almost all of those ostensibly independent radicals and high-minded liberals remain unruffled. After all, did we not often protest against some outrage or other in the Soviet Union or China, signing an indignant petition or open letter? I know I did. And does not that change everything? I am afraid not, but I have nothing to offer as critique other than that which may be found in Galatians 6:7.--Genovese
On May 11, 1992, having been invited by the right-wing American Enterprise Institute to reflect on the collapse of the socialist countries, I summoned up whatever capacity I have for dissembling in an effort to deflect the one question I did not want to answer. I did not want to answer it before a right-wing audience because I feared I would unleash my Sicilian temper and counterattack with the litany of the crimes of the imperialists and their insufferable apologists. I began:

"It is a great pleasure to be with you today although, since I claim expertise only as a historian of the Old South, I speak on current issues with trepidation. I do hope that your invitation carries no sadistic intent—that you do not expect an autobiographical mea culpa. For while it is true that I have been a Marxist and a bitter-end supporter of the Soviet Union, I dislike autobiographies and admire the CIA's noble dictum, "Admit nothing, explain nothing, apologize for nothing."

Parkland survivor questioned by officers after going to gun range with his father to learn to shoot
7 hours ago
Parkland student and Second Amendment advocate Kyle Kashuv told The Daily Wire he was questioned by school security officers on Monday, after they became aware that he had visited a gun range with his father on Friday.

Kyle posted pictures from his trip to the range, complete with a tweet:

It was great learning about our inalienable right of #2Aand how to properly use a gun. This was my first time ever touching a gun and it made me appreciate the #Constitution even more. My instructor was very informative; I learnt a lot. #2A is important and we need 2 preserve 2A

— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) April 21, 2018

But when he returned to school on Monday, he was pulled out of class and told to meet with two school security officers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Kyle says the officers questioned him “intensely,” saying: “First, they began berating my tweet, although neither of them had read it; then they began aggressively asking questions about who I went to the range with, whose gun we used, about my father, etc. They were incredibly condescending and rude.”

Then, a Broward County sheriff’s deputy joined them and asked the same questions. Kyle asked if he could record the discussion, and was told he could not. After asking if he had done anything wrong, the teen says the officers answered that he had not.

Kashuv said that eventually, he asked why he had been called in to speak with them. “One said, ‘Don’t get snappy with me, do you not remember what happened here a few months ago?”

Kyle also said that one of the officers referred to him as the “pro-Second Amendment kid.”

He said he was further asked by one of the officers, “Kyle, you have such good grades, why would you do this?”

While other Parkland students have asked for gun control in response to the mass murder that occurred at their school on February 14, Kyle has pointed to the failing of law enforcement in the incident, saying that guns aren’t the problem.
Georgia Home Invader Ran Into Armed Ex-Cop — Guess What Happened Next


Scott Morefield

11:04 PM 04/23/2018

When an armed robber decided to ambush a Georgia homeowner in his driveway last Tuesday night, he likely didn’t count on an armed response. And from an ex-cop, no less.

Homeowner Carlos Wicker told Fox5 Atlanta that his years of training instantly took over during the attack.

“I pulled my gun, I shot at him and he took off running,” said homeowner Carlos Wicker, who is also a 16-year veteran of the DeKalb County police force and a former district attorney investigator.

“It was just before midnight,” Wicker told Fox5. “He came across the grass toward me, telling me to give him my stuff. He had a gun in his hand. I fired right away, retreated right into the garage and got behind cover.”

Neighbors are rightly concerned. “I want to find out what’s happened because we have young children here,” one neighbor said. “It’s not normal.”

The suspect reportedly drove away in his car and is still being sought by police as of Monday.

Funny thing about capitalism... the money talks. They might get you all worked up about the second amendment if you follow righting news. But outside the bubble, if you talk to the vendors and the hustlers on the street? Support for the NRA and more guns is not where the rest of Americas is.

A smart business move I would say.
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