Jealous and Envious.......Yes you are Wez.....

Now get back in your cubicle......
It's about time.
Local News Anchors Are Being Forced to Deliver Pro-Trump Propaganda
"When Trump took office, Sinclair was on the cusp of purchasing Tribune media, a merger that would give the firm ownership of enough local stations to reach 70 percent of U.S. homes. But there were two obstacles to such a deal: Federal rules put a cap on the number of local news stations any single entity could own, and also prohibited any company from owning a newspaper and television station in the same media market. Taking on Tribune’s assets would put Sinclair in violation of both those laws.
But by the end of Trump’s first year in office, his appointees to the Federal Communications Commission had abolished both of those regulations. And so, in all probability, a single, superrich family of arch-conservatives will soon dictate standards of “journalistic responsibility” to local TV newsrooms from coast to coast."
Is this really a concern? Outlets survive by advertising. Narrow view, less viewership, less advertising rev. Whatʻs the problem? If they want to sink their company, the market will let them do it. Next crisis
Local News Anchors Are Being Forced to Deliver Pro-Trump Propaganda
"When Trump took office, Sinclair was on the cusp of purchasing Tribune media, a merger that would give the firm ownership of enough local stations to reach 70 percent of U.S. homes. But there were two obstacles to such a deal: Federal rules put a cap on the number of local news stations any single entity could own, and also prohibited any company from owning a newspaper and television station in the same media market. Taking on Tribune’s assets would put Sinclair in violation of both those laws.
But by the end of Trump’s first year in office, his appointees to the Federal Communications Commission had abolished both of those regulations. And so, in all probability, a single, superrich family of arch-conservatives will soon dictate standards of “journalistic responsibility” to local TV newsrooms from coast to coast."
Is this really a concern? Outlets survive by advertising. Narrow view, less viewership, less advertising rev. Whatʻs the problem? If they want to sink their company, the market will let them do it. Next crisis
FoxNews is very popular with very little credibility. This is about normalizing and weaponizing false information.
What a bunch of garbage. You have Bill O Riley from 2015 and claiming CNN to be 80% reliable or somewhat and then you have another 2015 article that has CNN as one not trusted by this survey "said to have leaned toward the liberal side of the political spectrum.
Do you read this nonsense before posting? Do you have conversations with people and spew this BS as truth? Lordy, lordy.
As usual, you present zero evidence or cite any opposing sources, just your flawed uneducated opinions.
Opposing sources? Evidence of what? You post some random shit from google and we're supposed to accept as gospel? Did you even read them?
Let's dive a little deeper shall we? These links are based on snippets from hours & hours & hours of verbal vomit from both sides. Are you using this information to make a black & white statement the Fox is somehow less reliable than CNN or other mainstream media?Each outlet has their extremes and to cherry pick quotes and then draw a conclusion is disingenuous at best.
So rather then present any opposing evidence, you simply want me to take your partisan biased opinion. Not an argument.
Don't do it BearEvidence needs to be credible...let that sink into that fken ego of yours. It's your argument to prove and you failed with flawed "evidence". And of course your "evidence" wasn't partisan now was it. God you're a dunce.
And before you type "so nothing" think hard about posting links to dribble that you makes look nutter than you're welcome.
And before you type "so nothing"
I'm glad you recognize your deficiencies...
No just your robotic responses when you get called out.
Advertising is not there to determine credibility.FoxNews is very popular with very little credibility. This is about normalizing and weaponizing false information.
Advertising is not there to determine credibility. gents should get in a room and measure your junk to finally see who has the smallest unit in the group. I'm pretty sure it would be a close contest. The one who can break the Cheerio wins.Advertising is not there to determine credibility.
Thanks for letting us know. Your screen name shows your level of wisdom and gents should get in a room and measure your junk to finally see who has the smallest unit in the group. I'm pretty sure it would be a close contest. The one who can break the Cheerio wins.
What's your goal with all of this BS besides wasting time? Good luck with that and good luck with the measure off.
By the way....anyone on this forum that has over 300 post's needs to find help....
Yes, it's unreasonable to expect you to back your opinions with something, anything....instead, you offer nothing but crying like a bitch.