All things disgusting with and around dump

Law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney is hit with $10 million judgment
By Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times
The law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti was hit with a $10 million judgment Tuesday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court after he broke his promise to pay $2 million to a former colleague.

Judge Catherine Bauer of U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana ordered the Eagan Avenatti law firm to pay $10 million to Jason Frank, a lawyer who used to work at the Newport Beach firm.

"At this point, that's what's appropriate," Bauer said at a brief hearing.

To settle his law firm's bankruptcy, Avenatti had personally guaranteed that the $2 million would be paid to Frank last week, but both he and his firm failed to turn over the money.

At the hearing, the U.S. Justice Department revealed that Avenatti's firm has also defaulted on back taxes that it promised to pay the IRS under another bankruptcy settlement.
President Donald Trump’s embattled personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, tried as recently as 2015 to deflect old rape accusations against Trump by saying husbands could not rape their wives. Cohen’s remarks were in response to the then-presidential candidate’s sexual misconduct controversy, during which there was a resurfacing of allegations made by Ivana Trump in the 1990s, in which she said that Trump raped her while they were married.

Cohen later apologized.

The belief that men are owed sex from women helped form the basis of today’s intel movement, experts say.
President Donald Trump’s embattled personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, tried as recently as 2015 to deflect old rape accusations against Trump by saying husbands could not rape their wives. Cohen’s remarks were in response to the then-presidential candidate’s sexual misconduct controversy, during which there was a resurfacing of allegations made by Ivana Trump in the 1990s, in which she said that Trump raped her while they were married.

Cohen later apologized.

The belief that men are owed sex from women helped form the basis of today’s intel movement, experts say.
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Law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney is hit with $10 million judgment
By Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times
The law firm of Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti was hit with a $10 million judgment Tuesday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court after he broke his promise to pay $2 million to a former colleague.

Judge Catherine Bauer of U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana ordered the Eagan Avenatti law firm to pay $10 million to Jason Frank, a lawyer who used to work at the Newport Beach firm.

"At this point, that's what's appropriate," Bauer said at a brief hearing.

To settle his law firm's bankruptcy, Avenatti had personally guaranteed that the $2 million would be paid to Frank last week, but both he and his firm failed to turn over the money.

At the hearing, the U.S. Justice Department revealed that Avenatti's firm has also defaulted on back taxes that it promised to pay the IRS under another bankruptcy settlement.
4 no's had this guy pegged from the word go.
“It is for public opinion,” . . . “Because eventually the decision here is going to be impeach or not impeach.” . . . “very specific, very political strategy to undermine [the Mueller] investigation,” . . .
As the swamp thickens . . .

A lawyer tapped to lead a task force at the Environmental Protection Agency overseeing cleanups at the nation's most polluted places worked until recently for a top chemical and plastics manufacturer with a troubled legacy of creating some of those toxic sites.

Steven D. Cook has been named as the new chair of the Superfund Task Force, which EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt created last year to revamp how the agency oversees cleanups at the more than 1,300 toxic sites.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is reporting a surge in white nationalists running for office in the United States. This includes candidates advocating for racial segregation, Holocaust deniers, and the whole deplorable platform. By their count, at least eight known white nationalists are running, most of them as Republicans. I’d argue that given Trump’s 2020 campaign is in motion, that number should be nine.

As Republican strategist Rob Stutzman says in the interview, these candidates and their hateful views need to be repudiated at the ballot box.

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Most have little chance of winning, but as with the neo-Nazi Arthur Jones, who recently ran unopposed in the Republican primary for the Third Congressional District in the Chicago area and garnered 20,458 votes, their mere candidacies, along with their growing acceptance by other Republicans as legitimate stakeholders in the party, are a dangerous development.

Alt-lite solo media man Mike Cernovich—who has said “diversity is code for white genocide” and “I like choking a woman until her eyes almost go lifeless”—has demonstrated access to the White House through his scoops on personnel matters and Trump’s strike on Syria last April. Both Donald Trump Jr. and Kellyanne Conway have publicly praised Cernovich, with the president’s son saying he deserves “a Pulitzer.” Cernovich has announced he’s considering running for Congress in California this year.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is reporting a surge in white nationalists running for office in the United States. This includes candidates advocating for racial segregation, Holocaust deniers, and the whole deplorable platform. By their count, at least eight known white nationalists are running, most of them as Republicans. I’d argue that given Trump’s 2020 campaign is in motion, that number should be nine.

As Republican strategist Rob Stutzman says in the interview, these candidates and their hateful views need to be repudiated at the ballot box.

Welcome to Trump’s America, where a rash of white nationalists are running for office. Depending on your definition, anywhere from nine and 17 white supremacists and far-right militia leaders are currently running for House and Senate seats, governorships, and state legislatures.

Most have little chance of winning, but as with the neo-Nazi Arthur Jones, who recently ran unopposed in the Republican primary for the Third Congressional District in the Chicago area and garnered 20,458 votes, their mere candidacies, along with their growing acceptance by other Republicans as legitimate stakeholders in the party, are a dangerous development.

Alt-lite solo media man Mike Cernovich—who has said “diversity is code for white genocide” and “I like choking a woman until her eyes almost go lifeless”—has demonstrated access to the White House through his scoops on personnel matters and Trump’s strike on Syria last April. Both Donald Trump Jr. and Kellyanne Conway have publicly praised Cernovich, with the president’s son saying he deserves “a Pulitzer.” Cernovich has announced he’s considering running for Congress in California this year.

Southern Poverty Law Center...excellent source of non-bias info.