Obama was not perfect, but few presidents are. However, what he was able to do was unite the country in a way that hadn’t been seen for decades. Since Trump isn’t anywhere near as beloved, he has devoted much of his time and energy to undoing everything Obama has put in place. From affordable birth control and health care for women to policies that combat global warming and welcome immigration, Trump wants it all gone.
Political analyst David Gergen told CNN host Don Lemmon that, Trump’s various deals and policies are, “more about blowing up the former president’s legacy than anybody wants to admit.”
If there is one thing that Trump despises, it’s being disliked, but with his racist, misogynistic, and ignorant views, he hasn’t been able to escape the wrath of the public or Hollywood. He’s so disturbed by his low approval ratings that he will try anything to combat them.
In fact, in summer 2017,
Trump shared an unverified poll that said 61% of the public believed he was a better president than Obama. OK, sir.
Poor Trump couldn’t even let us all enjoy Thanksgiving without trying to make a dig at Obama. During the Presidential Turkey pardon in 2017,
he quipped,”As many of you know, I have been very active in overturning a number of executive actions by my predecessor. However, I have been informed by the White House counsel’s office that Tater and Tot’s pardons cannot, under any circumstances, be revoked.”
This might be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Though Obama is a democrat and Trump claims to be a Republican, Trump can’t even seem to find a middle ground when dealing with the more liberal party. In fact, a European diplomat who spent a great of time with Trump in the White House noticed he only really cared about the Harvard Law graduate’s position on things.
The diplomat told Buzzfeed,“He will ask: ‘Did Obama approve this?’ And if the answer is affirmative, he will say: ‘We don’t.’ He won’t even want to listen to the arguments or have a debate. He is obsessed with Obama.”
The main reason why Trump is obsessed with Obama is that he adores praise. It’s
Obama’s work and policies that have put the United States in the great economic position that it’s in currentl
y. Trump, of course, can’t accept this as fact.
If (or when) the economy takes a nosedive, Trump is going to have to answer for that.
Well before Trump even began to speak of getting into politics seriously, he went after Obama, claiming that he was not actually born in the U.S. In fact, it was Trump’s repeated appearances on Fox News that
helped push the birther movement along.
Since the birther movement failed to discredit Obama, Trump is trying to do so with his own presidency. How ironic that he’s the one who has been riddled with scandals and sexual assault allegations.