All things disgusting with and around dump

You missed this --

"we go toward their commie past"
"Is that what you mean?"
No. You are wrong. Again. Magoo.

Hey did you watch the Elvis documentary tonight? Did you see the signs that said “Race Mixing is Communism?” Is that what you mean? Like with President Obama, and all? x10
What’s a commie?
A statist.
One that gives the rights and responsibilities of the individual over to the state.
Someone who views the Constitution is an impediment.
A socialist, leftist, or SJW.
One who accepts state doctrine as morality.
A person who gives up freedom for security.
Someone who is convinced by experts, but too lazy to check.
The self important excuse makers for envy.

Those people communists use to subvert the greatness of liberty.
A statist.
One that gives the rights and responsibilities of the individual over to the state.
Someone who views the Constitution is an impediment.
A socialist, leftist, or SJW.
One who accepts state doctrine as morality.
A person who gives up freedom for security.
Someone who is convinced by experts, but too lazy to check.
The self important excuse makers for envy.

Those people communists use to subvert the greatness of liberty.

It looks like you just made up your own coocoo definition.
A statist.
One that gives the rights and responsibilities of the individual over to the state.
Someone who views the Constitution is an impediment.
A socialist, leftist, or SJW.
One who accepts state doctrine as morality.
A person who gives up freedom for security.
Someone who is convinced by experts, but too lazy to check.
The self important excuse makers for envy.

Those people communists use to subvert the greatness of liberty.
Nonsense after he first two sentences, but something, at least. Thanks.
A statist.
One that gives the rights and responsibilities of the individual over to the state.
Someone who views the Constitution is an impediment. *
A socialist, leftist, or SJW.
One who accepts state doctrine as morality.
A person who gives up freedom for security. *
Someone who is convinced by experts, but too lazy to check. *
Layabouts. *
The self important excuse makers for envy. *

Those people communists use to subvert the greatness of liberty.
Trump checks 5 of those boxes.
What’s a commie?

The following essay by Eugene Genovese is really an open letter to the left, intended to provoke a discussion, and so we have circulated it to people likely to be provoked. Here are their responses and Genovese's reply. Since "The Question" is important, we will publish a selection of further correspondence in a future issue.—Ens.

Reflecting here on moral responsibility, I have referred to "we." For it has never occurred to me that the moral responsibility falls much less heavily on those of us on the American left than it fell on Comrade Stalin and those who replicated his feats in one country after another. And I am afraid that some of that moral responsibility falls on the "democratic socialists," "radical democrats," and other leftwingers who endlessly denounced Stalinism but could usually be counted on to support— "critically," of course—the essentials of our political line on world and national affairs.--Eugene Genove
What’s a commie?

The following essay by Eugene Genovese is really an open letter to the left, intended to provoke a discussion, and so we have circulated it to people likely to be provoked. Here are their responses and Genovese's reply. Since "The Question" is important, we will publish a selection of further correspondence in a future issue.—Ens.

As a University professor, I teach, participate in professional associations, lecture on various campuses, give papers at scholarly conferences, and review books for national journals and local newspapers: in short, I get around. For many years I have lived in dread of having to answer The Question. Curiously, no one has asked it.

At first I wondered if I had an ego problem. Did I feel bruised to learn that I was not important enough to be asked? Were not more visible and professionally celebrated chaps with similar backgrounds having to face the music? Apparently not. So far as I know, none of the others, whose number is legion, has been asked either.

The Question: "What did you know, and when did you know it?" For at the age of fifteen I became a Communist, and, although expelled from the party in 1950 at age twenty, I remained a supporter of the international movement and of the Soviet Union until there was nothing left to support. Now, as everyone knows, in a noble effort to liberate the human race from violence and oppression we broke all records for mass slaughter, piling up tens of millions of corpses in less than three-quarters of a century. When the Asian figures are properly calculated, the aggregate to our credit may reach the seemingly incredible numbers widely claimed. Those who are big on multiculturalism might note that the great majority of our victims were--Genovese

But don't let this distract you from your Econ homework.
What’s a commie?

Especially amusing has been the spectacle of those who pronounced themselves anti-Stalinists and denounced the socialist countries at every turn and yet even today applaud each new revolution, although any damned fool has to know that most of them will end in the same place. For that matter, how could we have survived politically were it not for the countless liberals who, to one extent or another, supported us, apparently under the comforting delusion that we were social reformers in rather too much of a hurry—a delusion we ourselves never suffered from.

There are liberals and liberals, and a distinction would have to be made in a more leisurely presentation. Even in academia there are indeed those who defend liberal principles tenaciously and honorably. But the countless opportunists and careerists who dominate the historical associations call themselves liberals as a matter of political convenience. They went with the McCarthyite flow in the 1950s and go with its left-wing variant today. In the unlikely prospect of a fascist or communist ascendancy tomorrow, they may be counted on to apply for party cards as soon as it looks like the smart move.-- Same Guy