All things disgusting with and around dump

If they allow capitalism in, they survive.
They saw what happened to their former sponsors.
Cuba is pretty cool now too, from what I hear.

What I find interesting and disturbing is while they go toward the light, we go toward their commie past.
Ya lost me there. How do we do that, exactly? Did we nationalize the oil companies or the drug companies or the banks? Or the technology companies? Or the media? Do you know what communism is?
If they allow capitalism in, they survive.
They saw what happened to their former sponsors.
Cuba is pretty cool now too, from what I hear.

What I find interesting and disturbing is while they go toward the light, we go toward their commie past.
Hey did you watch the Elvis documentary tonight? Did you see the signs that said “Race Mixing is Communism?” Is that what you mean? Like with President Obama, and all?
That’s what I thought it was. It obviously is not what you thought it was. There are few nations in the world...and those there are you don’t want to be mentioned with...that are less communistic than we are.
How drunk are you?
Does loving communism make you drink more?