Let us not forget the last President that was impeached for cheating on his wife and then lying under oath about it and the whole "those 30.000 emails I deleted were about my daughters wedding and my moms funeral and none of them were classified".
They are all a bunch of crooks.
Trump was elected because the country didn't like the way the country was run under Obama, correct? That's the only thing I can come up with.
The majority voted for Obama (twice) as did the majority vote for Hillary and for that matter Gore. So please don't talk about what the country wanted. Our antiquated electoral system was put in place to help out the slave states bro and get them to agree to the Constitution. You need to read a little more of your US history sir.
Now let's talk about impeachment. Clinton definitely was wrong for cheating on his wife but getting impeached for lying about it is laughable when you think about how often Trump lies! Even his people and his supporter ACKNOWLEDGE that he lies. You have to do more homework to come at me sir. That's why I don't get involved here very often because most arguing the other side just take talking points from Fox News and some of you sycophants I actually like and feel sorry for because YOU may believe in Trump but most with half a brain don't.