(steps onto soapbox)
an idea.
Any comments on these kind of threads should be prefaced w/ your kid's(s') dob.
And any comments that don't start w/ kid's(s') should be dq'ed.
(where you stand depends on where you sit...)
oldest is eom nov; youngest is early july.
older is the much better athlete and also benefitted from RAE advantage before the switch to CY. however, he is also a relative late bloomer, so has the double whammy, late dob and late developer (my wife's brother - an average height guy - was still growing in college). he's struggled at times but has learned to cope and likely is athletic enough/good enough at soccer that ultimately he will benefit from being forced to play with kids who are essentially a year older. As opposed to being driven out of the sport.
on the other hand, younger benefitted enormously from switch to CY. also late developer, and was on receiving end of RAE disadvantage, based on school year dob cut-off. likely would not still be playing soccer at competitive level w/o CY switch. however, will be bigger than his older brother and seems to be starting to come around athletically and as a soccer player, so will see.
thus, am ambivalent about a switch back to school year.
but do know that for which ever set of players that get the smelly end of the stick for dob cut-off, whether it's Oct thru Dec or July thru Aug, there needs to be something in place to make sure these kids have an opportunity to develop.
seems obvious and not sure why this isn't a much much bigger topic w/ much more support.
USSDA used to have at least some programs for younger dob/late developers - i.e. a ynt futures camp, used to call up younger dobs to specific segment of the training centers, used to specifically scout for high potential younger dob/late developers - but all this went away in 2018-19 due to budget cuts (meanwhile, USSF is spending an unanticipated $9m defending themselves from lawsuits - awesome).
The only USSDA item remaining that benefits younger dob/late developers is the rule allowing up to two younger dob/late developer players to play down at u14 and u15.
But, from eyeballing game reports, only about 1/4 of the clubs do this, and USSDA probably should be doing a lot more to promote and normalize this, rather than having it be an exception w/ a stigma attached. (and btw, this rule doesn't cost USSF $, which is likely why it continues).
Here's a decent look at some of what Europe is doing in this area - http://uefa.to/2exNCr5; pages 17 - 23 (thanks Carlitos10!)
On the boys' side, simply put, it's a fact that significant dob developmental advantages exist up thru u17.
so, maybe, instead of folks lobbying for whatever dob cut-off date benefits their kid, just maybe focus all that energy on making sure that programs are in place to support all the kids.
(i.e. and maybe also consider that your kid isn't actually better, maybe he's just older... for now...)
(quickly ducks off soapbox to avoid incoming shrapnel...)
an idea.
Any comments on these kind of threads should be prefaced w/ your kid's(s') dob.
And any comments that don't start w/ kid's(s') should be dq'ed.
(where you stand depends on where you sit...)
oldest is eom nov; youngest is early july.
older is the much better athlete and also benefitted from RAE advantage before the switch to CY. however, he is also a relative late bloomer, so has the double whammy, late dob and late developer (my wife's brother - an average height guy - was still growing in college). he's struggled at times but has learned to cope and likely is athletic enough/good enough at soccer that ultimately he will benefit from being forced to play with kids who are essentially a year older. As opposed to being driven out of the sport.
on the other hand, younger benefitted enormously from switch to CY. also late developer, and was on receiving end of RAE disadvantage, based on school year dob cut-off. likely would not still be playing soccer at competitive level w/o CY switch. however, will be bigger than his older brother and seems to be starting to come around athletically and as a soccer player, so will see.
thus, am ambivalent about a switch back to school year.
but do know that for which ever set of players that get the smelly end of the stick for dob cut-off, whether it's Oct thru Dec or July thru Aug, there needs to be something in place to make sure these kids have an opportunity to develop.
seems obvious and not sure why this isn't a much much bigger topic w/ much more support.
USSDA used to have at least some programs for younger dob/late developers - i.e. a ynt futures camp, used to call up younger dobs to specific segment of the training centers, used to specifically scout for high potential younger dob/late developers - but all this went away in 2018-19 due to budget cuts (meanwhile, USSF is spending an unanticipated $9m defending themselves from lawsuits - awesome).
The only USSDA item remaining that benefits younger dob/late developers is the rule allowing up to two younger dob/late developer players to play down at u14 and u15.
But, from eyeballing game reports, only about 1/4 of the clubs do this, and USSDA probably should be doing a lot more to promote and normalize this, rather than having it be an exception w/ a stigma attached. (and btw, this rule doesn't cost USSF $, which is likely why it continues).
Here's a decent look at some of what Europe is doing in this area - http://uefa.to/2exNCr5; pages 17 - 23 (thanks Carlitos10!)
On the boys' side, simply put, it's a fact that significant dob developmental advantages exist up thru u17.
so, maybe, instead of folks lobbying for whatever dob cut-off date benefits their kid, just maybe focus all that energy on making sure that programs are in place to support all the kids.
(i.e. and maybe also consider that your kid isn't actually better, maybe he's just older... for now...)
(quickly ducks off soapbox to avoid incoming shrapnel...)