Roses are RED....
Biden is BLUE...
Nuzzle that in BED...
Cuz Biden is THROUGH....
The only thing that stings is your stupidity.
Citizens United? Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....read &comprehend the first amendment, freedom of speech.
On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission overruling an earlier decision, Austin v. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce (Austin), that allowed prohibitions on independent expenditures by corporations. The Court also overruled the part of McConnell v. Federal Election Commission that held that corporations could be banned from making electioneering communications. The Court upheld the reporting and disclaimer requirements for independent expenditures and electioneering communications. The Court’s ruling did not affect the ban on corporate contributions.
Regarding Shelby v Holder:
On June 25, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that the coverage formula in Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act — which determines which jurisdictions are covered by Section 5 — is unconstitutional because it is based on an old formula. As a practical matter this means that Section 5 is inoperable until Congress enacts a new coverage formula, which the decision invited Congress to do.
Has Congress done their job?
Corporations are not citizens.
If Biden loses, he wants to know if he can give you
a back massage with a " runny " nose....
Nice try! “If Biden loses”. LOL
They’re still pissed off about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.National Committee of Asian American Republicans(Asian.GOP)
National Committee of Asian American Republicans(Asian.GOP) official website.Raise the awareness in Asian Communities about the importance of participating in the political process,which has a great impact on everyone's life, for future generations, and for the fate of this great nation.www.asian.gop
More Republicans on America’s side in the election.
That was a Democrat.They’re still pissed off about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Get over it already.
What does that have to do with it?That was a Democrat.
Anything over 303 is a landslide.At what point is I’ll it be a landslide?
If Trump gets fewer than Hillary’s 232?
I don’t think so...I think Biden would have to get 320 to call it a landslide.
You mean against an incumbent? Yeah that makes sense.Anything over 303 is a landslide.