During the American Revolution, the conservatives fought against the patriots on behalf of the mad King George the tyrant. The primitive minds of conservatives have always been attracted to authoritarianism like Monarchies and dictatorships. All those braying Republican asses who drone on about liberty or whatever other happy talk they like to yammer about, it's never about the people. Sure they say they're for freedom but not for you.
Conservatives throughout history have always embraced cruelty to their fellow man. Religious conservatives cherry-picked verses in the bible that justified chattel slavery. When you see any ignoramus posting some happy horse shit about 'the south will rise again', what they really mean is slavery.
Slavery has survived even Jim Crow in the south and if you aren't sure about it, just look at all of the prisons across the south with inordinate populations of black and Mexican inmates. To this date, inmates work for a quarter an hour or even less cutting the grass at governor's mansions across the south. Slavery just changed forms.
The design and intentions of white southerners has always been to keep black people in poverty and they do so in two ways. The first is to allow schools to fail to educate black children. Ignorance is important in the next step which is to keep them in poverty. It was Gandhi who said, 'Poverty is the worst form of violence.' That will forever be true.
Then when they get old enough, you convict them of felonies. You strip them of their voting rights and you can siphon money from the federal government to fund your prisons via grants for drug convictions for instance. Racism is the principle reason why the drug war was started by that crook Nixon because after the Civil Rights Act, black people voted for democrats by 90% or more. That was a powerful voting block that threatened Nixon's electoral possibilities, at least in his mind anyway. Erlichman admitted it. This isn't my personal opinion, this is easily provable fact.
The truth is that conservatives have never and will never believe in democracy. Our founding fathers didn't believe in it. They believed in the illusion of democracy. Democracy is one person one vote and majority rule wins. Conservatives carefully injected one thing into that notion of 'democracy' and that was what we euphemistically call 'minority rights.' Who was it that interjected this principle? Slave holders. Southern conservatives who relied on slavery wanted the filibuster so no uppity Yankees could mess with their 'peculiar institution'.
Then they wanted the electoral college so that their minority populations had a greater voice than say, New York City and both have served to usurp democracy since the constitution was signed. Nobody has abused the filibuster like Mitch McConnell and no Democrat has ever become president without winning the popular vote as well. Only Republicans have lost the popular vote and still become president. Bush and Trump both won by electoral college, not democracy.
Bush won because of a 5-4 decision by the Republican majority on the Supreme Court. Coathanger Amy Barrett claims she is an 'originalist' justice just like Scalia claimed to be but that's also a lot of happy horse shit because if she believed in originalism, black people would be 3/5ths of a person and she wouldn't have the right to vote or even own property. It is an absurd claim that no sane person would believe in but that sounds really good to the base who don't know the Constitution from the Declaration of Independence.
There are 23 states with a combined population of 40 million people who have 46 senators representing them. California has 40 millions people in it and we have two senators. That was also carefully planned by conservatives when they were admitting states into the union. Back in the day they might be accused of 'stacking the country with states' but a lot of politicians who acquiesced to our 'manifest destiny' agreed to make a north and south Dakota because despite having a combined population of smaller towns in California, they get 4 senators.
Conservatives have been rigging elections and our government since our inception and there's going to be an endless parade of nattering on the senate floor when Democrats win this election in 19 days. Now the Supreme Court stopped the counting on the census because they want to put their foots on the scales of this illusion of democracy to keep the people from having a fair representation of the population of our nation, again to keep their minority rule.
All across the former confederate states and Texas, Republicans have made it as hard as they can for people to register to vote and to actually vote because they have never had to suffer any consequences for their evildoing. They don't care to beat Democrats on the merits because they know they can't. They'd rather get their activist judges on the supreme court to repeal the ACA because they couldn't repeal it legislatively after 70 attempts. So now they are going to subvert the will of the people again by appointing 6 supreme court justices and 300 federal judges by two presidents who both lost the popular vote.
They have no intention of replacing the ACA because Republicans hate government entirely and they prove that whenever they get elected. They don't care how many people die because of it. They don't care that insulin cost $1400 a month. They will never do anything to interrupt the fleecing of Americans by companies who fill their campaign coffers. It's a monstrous principle they all hold.
Take Jim Jordan for instance. He's a tea party Republican who has the most ridiculously gerrymandered district in the country. He is on the socialized medicine plan we provide members of congress but he will never shut up about the wonders of the 'free market' health care system being the best in the world. Does $1400 a month insulin sound like a benefit of the 'free market' when it's less than $100 a month under the socialized medicine plans in Canada? Of course Jim doesn't know that because he's a fatuous ignoramus but that $1400 insulin, what do you call that? But here's where that 'free market' "health care system" fails completely.
My dad has private health insurance and he had COVID 19 like many others. When Trump got COVID, he went to Walter Reed and was given an antiviral cocktail and remdecivir. It appears to have worked because Trump doesn't have private insurance. My dad wasn't given Remdecivir until he was on a ventilator and "crashing" as a patient. If doctors had the freedom to treat him, they might have given him Remdecivir as soon as he came in the hospital but insurance companies will not approve what they deem a 'rescue' or 'experimental' treatment until the patient is near death because that treatment costs about $100,000. There's an incentive for them not to expend that money to save people before it's too late because they might get better or die. This is how insane it is to have a for-profit company making approvals for desperately needed medication and forcing doctors to make applications to them to treat patients.
There is not one single Republican in congress who understands this because they are either morons like Jim Jordan is or flat out evil like Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz.
Putting Coathanger Amy on the supreme court is an act of violence to the desperate woman who will use a coathanger to terminate an unwanted pregnancy because they can't get access to an abortion.
Repealing the ACA is an act of violence. This isn't some difference of opinion between parties, it's violence against Americans.
Making Americans stand in line to vote unnecessarily for 12 hours is an act of violence.
Disenfranchising black people is an act of violence. Cheating in elections is an act of violence.
Putting fake ballot boxes up to collect ballots is an act of violence.
Passing mandatory minimums is an act of violence.
Denying people relief during a global pandemic is an act of violence. So is telling people that COVID 'is no big deal'.
Every single thing Republicans do is either to undermine democracy or a measure to inflict cruelty and violence on fellow Americans.
Cutting Medicare or Social Security is an act of violence.
Republicans have become very astute terrorists.
We can all end their reign of terror in just 18 days if we all make the effort to vote in numbers that will leave no doubt that the voice of the people will not be silenced by the minority. It's time to take back our nation from those who have betrayed every principle this country was founded upon, namely, Republicans. This far, no farther.
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