I finally got my copy of Bolton's book from the library. Man, that guy knows everything! Here is what he writes at the end of a passage telling about a visit one day to the Oval Office, in which he was not sure whether or not he had been offered a substantive job (pages 18-19)
After all, as Cato the Younger says in one of George Washington's favorite lines from his favorite play, "When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, the post of honor is a private station"
At first, I thought that C the Y must have said it in Latin, and therefore the quote would be subject to translation errors, but I found through the wonders of google that the play in question is actually Joseph Addison’s “Cato: A Tragedy”, written in 1713 in English. Google led me to a 2007 article in Harper's here --
After all, as Cato the Younger says in one of George Washington's favorite lines from his favorite play, "When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, the post of honor is a private station"
At first, I thought that C the Y must have said it in Latin, and therefore the quote would be subject to translation errors, but I found through the wonders of google that the play in question is actually Joseph Addison’s “Cato: A Tragedy”, written in 1713 in English. Google led me to a 2007 article in Harper's here --

When “the Post of Honour is a Private Station” , by Scott Horton
George Washington was an avid theater-goer, and he was very clear about his favorite plays – Thomas Brinsley Sheridan’s “School for Scandal” (1777), for