
I see where Trump fired his weirdo alt-right campaign manager.
Can’t imagine why.
Ricky I hope you gave. LOL!

Brad Parscale, whom Trump named to run his 2020 effort in early 2018, has already collected $38.9 million through his companies from Trump’s various reelection committees between January 2017 and the end of March, according to a HuffPost analysis of Federal Election Commission filings.
I can't imagine what is must be like to go through life calling everything you don't like "fake". What is it with these die-hard Trumpists? I work in Health Care and the hospitals are NOT making up numbers. I know doctor's working on the front lines, this thing is real.

I mean, seriously people! Hospital ICU's in hot spots are suddenly filled to close to maximum capacity, ventilators are in short supply...what in the hell else do you think it is??? Some weird uptick in respiratory illness, never seen before, that is completely unrelated to COVID-19??? How can people be so invested in a particular narrative that they can be in such huge denial?

Trump does something idiotic--Fake News! (even when Trump is caught on video)
COVID-19 deaths spike--Fake Tests!! Fake Reporting!!!

Sigh...how did Americans get so stupid.
Fake Drs.
We went from a science based society to authoritarian rule where many people believe one man. In north Korea that system was forced on them, here some people actually want it, relish it and want more of it. Maybe it makes their life easier just ceding all thought to one man . . . easier to just defer by saying, "yeah, what he said".
You’re a fucking idiot.
That’s what your mom told me.
She gets around.
The tests results were fake.
What do you call it when they inflate the positivity rate tenfold?
Ummmmm.....okay?? I’m talking about an unprecedented massive uptick in people dying from respiratory failure. So, if not COVID-19 did people suddenly take up smoking en masse while simultaneously insulating their homes with abestos??
Ummmmm.....okay?? I’m talking about an unprecedented massive uptick in people dying from respiratory failure. So, if not COVID-19 did people suddenly take up smoking en masse while simultaneously insulating their homes with abestos??

The aftermath reports that allow comparing the confirmed deaths during the period of interest to the number of deaths expected on average during that period will be pretty much the final word.
Ummmmm.....okay?? I’m talking about an unprecedented massive uptick in people dying from respiratory failure. So, if not COVID-19 did people suddenly take up smoking en masse while simultaneously insulating their homes with abestos??
So they were fake right?
The 100% positivity bs in Florida.
You agree with me, right?
HEY HEY! You liberal retardation soldiers have your field general back! I was wondering when autism would speak again.

So they were fake right?
The 100% positivity bs in Florida.
You agree with me, right?
I’m trying to understand your point. I truly am. From what I understand, the 100% positive rate is not due to a high false positive rate, it‘s due to the same labs not reporting their negative tests because those weren’t required. So it’s not skewing the number of positive cases, it‘s skewing the percentage of positive cases based on all tests. And this is in Florida, not nationwide (or worldwide for that matter).

So, again, what exactly is your point? That the percentage of people testing positive out of all tests given is skewed in Florida due to negative tests not being reported? Ok, so? The number of people contracting COVID-19 is still going up exponentially. Nowhere in any of the articles about the Florida tests does it state that the positive tests weren’t actually postiive.
I’m trying to understand your point. I truly am. From what I understand, the 100% positive rate is not due to a high false positive rate, it‘s due to the same labs not reporting their negative tests because those weren’t required. So it’s not skewing the number of positive cases, it‘s skewing the percentage of positive cases based on all tests. And this is in Florida, not nationwide (or worldwide for that matter).

So, again, what exactly is your point? That the percentage of people testing positive out of all tests given is skewed in Florida due to negative tests not being reported? Ok, so? The number of people contracting COVID-19 is still going up exponentially. Nowhere in any of the articles about the Florida tests does it state that the positive tests weren’t actually postiive.
These trumpies are convinced this virus was engineered and aimed directly at the USA in attempt to crucify their Jesus . . . or it's all a hoax . . . or it is a weapon developed to force America into a socialism . . . or enslave us by first stripping us of all our liberties . . . or, whatever trump tweets or retweets next.
These trumpies are convinced this virus was engineered and aimed directly at the USA in attempt to crucify their Jesus . . . or it's all a hoax . . . or it is a weapon developed to force America into a socialism . . . or enslave us by first stripping us of all our liberties . . . or, whatever trump tweets or retweets next.

From the White House press briefing today -- "Science should not stand in the way"