
Quick question. When was the last year when they had whites-only hotels in metropolitan Atlanta? (Hint: I have a car from the same year).
How old were your parents? Or say, maybe a black person your age’s parents? How about a black person in Atlanta?

I don't go to Atlanta. When is BET going to include people other than blacks?
Former presidential contender Andrew Yang said Donald Trump’s repeated use of the racist term “kung flu” to refer to the coronavirus “is the desperate thrashing around of a losing candidate.”
Trump uses derogatory and offensive slurs to “distract attention from the fact that the administration has completely botched and mishandled the coronavirus pandemic,” Yang, who quit the race for the 2020 Democratic nomination in February, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Why would anybody care what Yang says?
Put another way, will America re-elect a President who wouldn't do the very simple act of wearing a mask in public when every single public health official said you should and our country is about the worst in the world at containing the virus?

I see Gavin Newsom without a mask all the time. Should he get re-elected? You can't force people to wear masks. They won't do it. They're the same idiots rioting and blocking freeways in support of a violent, hood rat criminal that nobody gave a shit about until he was dead.
You’re bummed cuz it’s over for you and your kind, huh?
Back under the rock you go!

What's over? Wait, you don't actually think this changes anything, do you? Listen, I'm all for equality... but the bar has already been lowered for black people and they STILL whine and cry. When you're willing to talk about single family households, poor academic performance, incarceration rates that are due to actions and not skin color, we can talk. Sorry... seen too many examples (e.g. - DAILY) of why black people wind up arrested or in prison. This bullshit about blaming everyone else for the low status in society is not society's problem. NO other race has it. It's not my fault black people can't compete and need a lot of attention. Maybe spend less time crying and more time self reflecting?

When a race of people murders itself 7 times per day, but cries about police interactions because they make stupid decisions and don't want to be held accountable for them, you have ZERO credibility. NONE. ZILCH. Keep that in mind while you watch things go right back to normal.
You didn’t answer my question.

I did answer you. I don't go to Atlanta. I know there were "whites only" this and that. There isn't anymore. Now there is "only black" this and that. Kind of like the N-word. It's the worst word in the history of language... unless you're black, and THEN it's okay to use every 10 seconds.

Jesse Jackson said it best... he feels safer in a white neighborhood than a black one. That's ALL anybody needs to hear.

... but you're a liberal... I wouldn't expect you to start acknowledging hypocrisy now.
I did answer you. I don't go to Atlanta. I know there were "whites only" this and that. There isn't anymore. Now there is "only black" this and that. Kind of like the N-word. It's the worst word in the history of language... unless you're black, and THEN it's okay to use every 10 seconds.

Jesse Jackson said it best... he feels safer in a white neighborhood than a black one. That's ALL anybody needs to hear.

... but you're a liberal... I wouldn't expect you to start acknowledging hypocrisy now.
There still is plenty of whites only in the south, just not on signs, but everyone knows.
I did answer you. I don't go to Atlanta. I know there were "whites only" this and that. There isn't anymore. Now there is "only black" this and that. Kind of like the N-word. It's the worst word in the history of language... unless you're black, and THEN it's okay to use every 10 seconds.

Jesse Jackson said it best... he feels safer in a white neighborhood than a black one. That's ALL anybody needs to hear.

... but you're a liberal... I wouldn't expect you to start acknowledging hypocrisy now.
They still had “whites only” hotels in Atlanta and many other places up until 1964. Can you believe that? How old were your parents in 1964?
They still had “whites only” hotels in Atlanta and many other places up until 1964. Can you believe that? How old were your parents in 1964?

Has nothing to do with the last 50-years, does it? NOTHING. 5 decades.

Has BET started including white people in TODAY'S world? Hispanics? Asians? Or is it BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION? Do you honestly think black people wouldn't be perfectly happy with black only hotels? LMAO!
How would one show examples of things that are just givens but no longer spelled out on signs? I could post many of these, but why, you don't want to know. You just want to go "back".

So you're having a hard time articulating or showing examples of these "givens" so you turn on me and accuse me of not wanting to know.
Interesting concept Daffy....glad I asked.
PS The article you posted is interesting, thanks.
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Blah, blah, blah. As nono would say, PROVE ME WRONG!!!!!
Is that what you call conversation?

One of my best friends daughter went to and graduated from Auburn University where she met her fiance.
She's white, he's black. Next spring I'll be attending their wedding in the deep south. I'm looking forward to it.

Alabama is the last southern state to have the confederate flag as part of their state flag.
The folks in Alabama are getting ready to remove that symbol.

Racism is learned, as generations pass on, bigotry is also passing on....

This parts for you Daffy, blah blah blah...
Is that what you call conversation?

One of my best friends daughter went to and graduated from Auburn University where she met her fiance.
She's white, he's black. Next spring I'll be attending their wedding in the deep south. I'm looking forward to it.

Alabama is the last southern state to have the confederate flag as part of their state flag.
The folks in Alabama are getting ready to remove that symbol.

Racism is learned, as generations pass on, bigotry is also passing on....

This parts for you Daffy, blah blah blah...

Yeah, really (on the flag part) common knowledge . . . but it ain't gone yet!
There are plenty of smart people in the South, especially in college areas. Do you believe that shows that racial bias, racism, and exclusion based on that are non-existent there? . . . and I'm also not saying it's not a two way street.