Sheriff Joe

AG Bill Barr: Violence Seems Planned by Leftists Using 'Antifa-Like Tactics'
Attorney General Bill Barr said violence around the nation seems planned by "far-left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics."

None of that has anything to do with the murder of George Floyd.What does any of this have to do with these thugs burning down Beverly Hills?
I hope they don’t try to road block me.
So the numbers come from the kill black men and don't arrest whites city cops?MINNESOTA
Published 1 hour ago
Minneapolis mayor says 'white supremacists,' 'out of state instigators' behind protests, but arrests show different story
By Caitlin McFall | Fox News
George Floyd death sparks nationwide protests
Fox News correspondent Alicia Acuna reports.
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said Saturday that officials think "white supremacists" and "out-of-state instigators" could be behind the protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, but a report showed that "about 86 percent" of arrests so far are mostly of in-state residents.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz also saidSaturday that the majority of the protestors arrested were from outside Minneapolis and sought to take advantage of the chaos.
However, a report by KARE 11 showed "about 86 percent" of the 36 arrests listed their address in Minnesota, and that they live in Minneapolis or the metro area, according to data the outlet analyzed from the Hennepin County Jail's roster. Five out-of-state cases came from Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Michigan and Missouri, according to KARE 11.
The plumber often echoes the carefully crafted messages of the modern white nationalist propaganda. I wonder where the source of the echoes comes from?
His whole life reeks of how he has lost out to black people. Was it in sports and the workplace too? You're funny.
Where I'm from, "white folks" would have taken care of you before "black folks" got to you.
I think your kind are called "whiny little pussy-ass bitches." Was that what everyone called you?
Who taught you?
He said "I cant breathe" 13 times before becoming unresponsive and dying. He said "They gonna kill me" 4 times before the police officer killed him. He begged for his Mamma.
Now, I'm not saying the cop acted correctly. He should and will be dealt with. The fact remains that in nearly EVERY one of the cases, the black man is a criminal that resisted arrest. Alton Sterling, Jon Crawford, Samuel DuBose, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner and I could give you another 10. All of them were killed because of the stupid actions they took that day. That's not a cop problem, that's a lack of character and respect problem. If you want free, fair and open justice, don't be a fucking moron and resist arrest. You get your day in court when you act like a real man and take your medicine. There's no need to 'advance minority issues'. There's only ONE race that has this problem.
Hey Mr Tiny " T " .....I've pointed this out Many Many times before, but apparently
you are not aware, ignore it or are ignorantly complicit with the problem......
We are ALL physically different no matter who you are, but when one human
uses the VISUAL ASPECTS of another human to taunt, belittle, demean then you
have compartmentalized that human by VISUAL ASPECTS.
This is what is being done RIGHT NOW BY THE MSM/DEMOCRAT PARTY, and in
so doing they have fomented the very base instincts of these " Preconditioned "
humans to destroy property in the name of " Racial Justice "....What a Crock !
They are destroying the very foundation that gave/gives them the FREEDOM to
express themselves...
Somewhere along the way these " Individuals " were " Programed " to respond to
the " Pavlovian Signal " and do the bidding of the " Whistler " who wants the actions
performed to further a NON INNATE BEHAVIOR....
Parenting is how you TEACH humans to respect fellow humans.....!!!
Parenting is how you TEACH humans to stand up for themselves and know when NOT
to engage in behavior that DESTROYS the valuable SOCIAL NETWORK of human
Look at what we all saw once again by the National MSM.....fomenting of the " Preconditioned "
One person last night was a stand out...the Mayor of Atlanta....she wasn't correct on
everything, but for the most part she got he message right....!!!
Her basis....PARENTING !!!!!
You live in Beverly Hills?What does any of this have to do with these thugs burning down Beverly Hills?
I hope they don’t try to road block me.
Not sure where you live but I have not seen many 90 year olds working the booths.Do I think having 90 year old volunteers at the polling stations checking IDs will make the system "safer" then mail in ballots? Honestly no.
We pay a lot to educate people, and handwritten signatures are unique. Adds up to mail in ballots to me.
My aunt lives in Santa Monica but she's pack'n.You live in Beverly Hills?
He said "I cant breathe" 13 times before becoming unresponsive and dying.
He said "They gonna kill me" 4 times before the police officer killed him.
He begged for his Mamma.
Who taught YOU.....and please don't say ...a lady.
No, but if it heads south.You live in Beverly Hills?
Huff and puff about how free people should act if you want... you're free, they're free. Crazy as it sounds, letting people say what they think is how things work in a country where freedom reigns.
I hope for all our sake, our leaders don't waste much time pining about fairness, and are able to find a workable solution to racial strife in America.
Racism is earned.
Racism exists for a reason.