The Outlaw *BANNED*
Because you're a Trumpie, you are incapable of moral distinctions. Therefore, we should view Putin the same as we view ourselves. Again, I get it.
It serves you and your Orange Master to stick up for his master. As Pelosi recently said to him, "All roads with you lead to Putin, don't they?"
So you're just doing your job, dimwit.
The below quote is from your article...
"But in recent decades, both Mr. Hall and Mr. Johnson argued, Russian and American interferences in elections have not been morally equivalent. American interventions have generally been aimed
at helping non-authoritarian candidates challenge dictators or otherwise promoting democracy. Russia has more often intervened to disrupt democracy or promote authoritarian rule, they said."
Really? Moral distinctions. So you're saying it's okay if we do it but "Bad Vladimir" if they do it, right? That actually makes sense, jock sniffer. You liberals do love your hypocrisy, don't you? Steven Hall... CNN analyst. Loch K. Johnson... advisor to Democrats Carter and Senator Church. So, dimwit, if you're going to do some homework... do ALL your homework.
Loch K. Johnson, Ph.D.