Why are you asking me? I'm not his accountant and I'm not his personal physician. So shove the taxes and bone spurs straight up your cornholio.
Why are you asking me? I'm not his accountant and I'm not his personal physician. So shove the taxes and bone spurs straight up your cornholio.
Muahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...............................o lord.You sound mad, bro'. President Biden will be fine. I assume he will start a shadow cabinet this fall and we will see some true leadership.
We know what they show, he owes a bundle to Russians and banks they have heavy influence over.And? You and 98% of Americans wouldn't understand or take the time to read them anyway. You'd rely on some CNN hack to summarize them for you and say "Trump bad man." An individual's transcripts and tax returns are not the business of anyone but the individual.
We know what they show, he owes a bundle to Russians and banks they have heavy influence over.
Yes I named the wrong two. It was Nadler that he misspelled. But how does that excuse your attempts to make it about a freshman with one vote instead of what I was referring to? You seem to be gloating over being called out over your own attempt at diversion? How does that work? You are a strange and seemingly petty individual.You still sitting in a soiled diaper, Husky? How about those 5 "haha GOTCHA!" posts and your big "Schiff and Pelosi" finish, buddy?
Hey, did you let anybody know you shit the bed? "What about Schiff and Pelosi?" LMAO!
Listen, clown... and don't reply to this because you're probably already dehydrated. It's been proven and confirmed there was ZERO COLLUSION between Trump and Russia. Time to let it go, Husky. If Mueller and Rosenstein didn't convince you, you're just in perpetual denial.
Where was that proven? (Self-serving comments from the White House and t himself don't count)
Yes I named the wrong two. It was Nadler that he misspelled. But how does that excuse your attempts to make it about a freshman with one vote instead of what I was referring to? You seem to be gloating over being called out over your own attempt at diversion? How does that work? You are a strange and seemingly petty individual.
Pelosi and Nadler are accomplished, well educated Americans with a long history of service to our nation. You and joe are two fools going on about them on a youth soccer sub-forum consisting of less than 10 active viewers. Seek help, you appear to be suffering from extreme delusions of grandeur.
I swear to God... even if he doesn't exist... how many times do I need to post this shit for you? Are you a member of Biden's TEAM DEMENTIA?
Robert Mueller Did Not Merely Reject the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theories. He Obliterated Them.
Certain facts will never go away no matter how much media elites deny them. That Mueller charged no Americans with election conspiracy crimes is most fatal.theintercept.com
Rosenstein: "No Allegation in This Indictment That Any American Had Any Knowledge" Of Russian Election Influence Operation
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will hold a press conference for a law enforcement announcement in the 1:00 pm hour on Friday.www.realclearpolitics.com
Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice.www.americanbar.org
I listed 3 sources for you here, Espy, because the entire time I was thinking to myself... "Game, Set, Match."
The first source is the Intercept. You might want to do some research on them.
Fhe second source quotes Rod Rosenstein, a t appointee.
The third source includes the statement "“the Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
You are dealing with a schizophrenic, mouth breather who believes in the world the rightwing propagandist have laid out for him and told him to believe. The real question is who is behind the propaganda that keeps getting swatted down so easily yet keeps being brought back to life by the truly indoctrinated like this buffoon.The first source is the Intercept. You might want to do some research on them.
Fhe second source quotes Rod Rosenstein, a t appointee.
The third source includes the statement "“the Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
You might kiss my ass, accept reality that you lost fair & square and will lose again in 6 months.
He wasn't looking for the truth just a set of "alternative facts".It appears that "does not exonerate him" of accusations of obstruction into the investigation of the Russian interference in the 2016 election isn't what you expected to find in those sources.
It appears that "does not exonerate him" of accusations of obstruction into the investigation of the Russian interference in the 2016 election isn't what you expected to find in those sources.
He wasn't looking for the truth just a set of "alternative facts".
Innocent until proven guilty.It appears that "does not exonerate him" of accusations of obstruction into the investigation of the Russian interference in the 2016 election isn't what you expected to find in those sources.