The Outlaw *BANNED*
Ya see, when you're not stupid, you check on the underlying facts if what you read can't be corroborated and you say, "oops, guess I was wrong.Got my info from Forbes who listed him as a director but you're right, Messi, Forbes must have got that wrong and I stand corrected."
But when you're stupid, like you, and insecure, then you try to blame someone else.
Never too late, "Outlaw." Stupid name, too.
Look, princess, I have a job, hobbies and a life. I don't have all night to research the ages of actors like your dad. And I certainly wouldn't point out how most of the names I listed were older white men, like it's a bad thing, when my Top Two candidates were old white men. Fucking morons.
If your pocket pussy or chick-with-a-dick feelings are hurt that FORBES says you're wrong, call them. Meanwhile, if it's "stupid names" you have a problem with, make up your mind on how you want it spelled... Messy or Messi?