interesting analysis by psychology today on Trump supporters psychology. Bottom line: a lot of fear.
Hey, let's review this:
Practicality trumps morality - Bill Clinton fucked an intern in the Oval Office. Don't EVER talk to me about Trump's morality. Trump talks about it and Clinton did it. He's still beloved in liberal circles and his frumpy wife almost won despite not having the backbone to leave him for fucking everything within 10 miles of the White House. The author is already full of shit. "Trump offered tax cuts for the rich." No, Trump offered tax cuts for everyone that actually works for a living.
"To his supporters, it doesn't matter if he colluded with Russia." Well, both Rod Rosenstein and the Mueller report concluded there WAS NO COLLUSION with Russia. Again, the author is a lying piece of shit liberal.
The brain is more stimulated by Trump - Yeah, Biden is brain dead and you'd have to BE brain dead to vote for a communist. Pretty fucking straightforward. I'm definitely more stimulated by a businessman that speaks honestly as opposed to a drone reading someone else's written speech on a teleprompter like you liberal sheep.
America's obsession with entertainers, etc. - Your idiot author refers to him as "the Donald". Are we actually going to pretend this isn't another liberal hit piece?
Some men just want to watch the world burn -
"They may have such distaste for the establishment and democrats like Hillary Clinton that their support for Trump is a symbolic middle finger directed at Washington." Hey, dipshit FINALLY got something right! We're tired of career politicians that just get rich off campaign donors and don't accomplish anything. SEE: Clinton, Biden and Sanders
The Fear Factor; conservatives more sensitive to threat - Here dipshit goes into some study from 2008 that suggests Trump creates fear by calling Muslims and Hispanics dangerous. Well, I for one think we all get the same visual image when we hear "terrorist" and "illegal aliens"... don't you? Was that before or after Trump took office?
The power of morality and existential threat -
"By constantly emphasizing existential threat, Trump may be creating a psychological condition that makes the brain respond positively rather than negatively to bigoted statements and divisive rhetoric." Well, dipshit, isn't Trump the one saying we need to work on getting back to normal life and not be paralyzed with fear of the Covid-19 and libtards are losing their minds over it?
By the way, would NOW be a good time to point out your psychologist attached a video called "Trump Divided America" or would that blow the fucking doors off your implication that this was a fair and balanced study/article?
Humans often overestimate their political expertise - You mean like Hollywood libtards telling us how to vote? Geniuses like Robert DeNiro who didn't even finish high school?
"Some who support Donald Trump are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they simply take his word for it." Yeah, not all of us just watch CNN. Sometimes the actual TRUTH exists on networks not dedicated to removing a sitting President.
Okay, I can't take it anymore. I've proven my point... you totally embarrassed yourself posting this ass clown. I wonder if you have the stones to admit it.