2019 Women's D1 Soccer Talk!!!!

That is more @CaliKlines lies and fake news!! Does this surprise you? Remember that ass whooping that UCLA delivered them after they lucked into a PK win over Santa Clara. Cali would say that they dominated Santa Clara and the score of UCLA should have been like 5-5 instead of 5-0...

He would much rather show you stuff from before the PAC 12 teams released their schedules. He is a clear liar and is showing it to you....
Wow...just when people thought you were turning over a new leaf...you become a douche again! Welcome back MAP.
Camp starts 3 weeks from tomorrow. I hope that everyone is getting stronger and fitter. My player says that the 5 extra games with limited subs has helped better integrate their freshman and they have a pretty clear idea of what kind of depth they are going to have.

It's a month and a day from the PAC 12 teams kicking off the season. Good luck and good health to all who have players playing at any level.
It's hard to believe that all of this started back in 2006/07 with U9 soccer in the CSL. Now we are the parents of 21 year old women. My player is 100% healthy at the beginning of the season for the first time since her freshman year in college.
Yeah I know. It was much simpler back then. Mine hasn't been 100% since fall of 2015. Man that really sucks to say and think about.
You guys have me cracking up over our guilty-pleasure-girls-night of Bachelorette...and def needing a laugh right now!!!
So her 12 year old little sis (which she gives a shout out to for being someone she looks up to because of this very reason at the moment I'm going to mention) ---broke her ankle...badly.
Tib/Fib fracture at a soccer camp...ER tried to "reset" it and couldn't...long story short, ended up having surgery...2 screws and 2 pins later (pins are temporary-will come out) ..she is in the hard cast another 3 1/2 weeks, (6 weeks total) then walking boot for a few weeks & start PT/rehab, swimming, etc...just so incredibly sad for her :(... she has been so so brave & calm though the whole thing, yes devastated and a couple emotional big waves of tears but overall in good spirits...
Looking VERY forward to some distraction of college soccer soon...but most of all praying all our kiddos can stay HEALTHLY and INJURY FREE and have killer seasons!!!
(PS and probably should go in another thread-- noticed we have alot on this board regarding ACL/knee injuries...anyone have a good story/tips/advice on ankle/leg breaks??)
Can't wait to watch all your talented DD's and hopefully meet some of you in person this year!!
You guys have me cracking up over our guilty-pleasure-girls-night of Bachelorette...and def needing a laugh right now!!!
So her 12 year old little sis (which she gives a shout out to for being someone she looks up to because of this very reason at the moment I'm going to mention) ---broke her ankle...badly.
Tib/Fib fracture at a soccer camp...ER tried to "reset" it and couldn't...long story short, ended up having surgery...2 screws and 2 pins later (pins are temporary-will come out) ..she is in the hard cast another 3 1/2 weeks, (6 weeks total) then walking boot for a few weeks & start PT/rehab, swimming, etc...just so incredibly sad for her :(... she has been so so brave & calm though the whole thing, yes devastated and a couple emotional big waves of tears but overall in good spirits...
Looking VERY forward to some distraction of college soccer soon...but most of all praying all our kiddos can stay HEALTHLY and INJURY FREE and have killer seasons!!!
(PS and probably should go in another thread-- noticed we have alot on this board regarding ACL/knee injuries...anyone have a good story/tips/advice on ankle/leg breaks??)
Can't wait to watch all your talented DD's and hopefully meet some of you in person this year!!
Here you go. Fibia impact. Ankle displaced Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular and Anterior Talofibular rupture. Both will heal do not need surgical repair. If you look at x-ray screws and plate holding the fib together and if you look closely there are tw0 buttons with a cable holding the bone together. This does what the ligaments do while they heal. Pics are 10 days post op removing sutures starting to swim. Was never in cast fitted for walking boot at 10 days. Boot and crutchches 6 weeks. Started walking in boot with crutches July 4th. Hopefully will be walking without boot August 5th first day of camp. Have month of running- ready by September? Biggest issue is ligament repair and how long. Bone is healed after 6 weeks.


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Ohhhh gosh..for some reason Pulguita I thought your DD was an ACL...didn't realize it was ankle...
Praying for her to be back & strong as ever in September!!!
We are hopeful for that as well-- although could be October or longer-- will just be taking it week by week once that cast comes off...
Crazy and sad how in a split second everything changes...
You guys have me cracking up over our guilty-pleasure-girls-night of Bachelorette...and def needing a laugh right now!!!
So her 12 year old little sis (which she gives a shout out to for being someone she looks up to because of this very reason at the moment I'm going to mention) ---broke her ankle...badly.
Tib/Fib fracture at a soccer camp...ER tried to "reset" it and couldn't...long story short, ended up having surgery...2 screws and 2 pins later (pins are temporary-will come out) ..she is in the hard cast another 3 1/2 weeks, (6 weeks total) then walking boot for a few weeks & start PT/rehab, swimming, etc...just so incredibly sad for her :(... she has been so so brave & calm though the whole thing, yes devastated and a couple emotional big waves of tears but overall in good spirits...
Looking VERY forward to some distraction of college soccer soon...but most of all praying all our kiddos can stay HEALTHLY and INJURY FREE and have killer seasons!!!
(PS and probably should go in another thread-- noticed we have alot on this board regarding ACL/knee injuries...anyone have a good story/tips/advice on ankle/leg breaks??)
Can't wait to watch all your talented DD's and hopefully meet some of you in person this year!!

Broke my left fibula coaching indoor soccer to 6-8-year-olds on a Monday night in 1998 -- stepped on a ball while demonstrating trapping technique, and the ankle rolled over further than it was designed to do. I felt something pop, but it didn't hurt until I tried to turn left with all my weight on the left foot. By morning the foot was swollen and purple - urgent care took x-rays - "this is serious" - put on a cast and sent me to orthopedist that afternoon. They took the cast off and took their own x-rays - "This is not very serious - do a half-dozen of these a week" and put on another cast. Thursday morning the orthopedist put in two SS screws, took more x-rays, and sent me home in a foam walking cast. "How long before I can walk on it?" "As soon as you can stand the pain - it's stronger now than before you broke it." Friday morning I went back to work on crutches, but only lasted a half-day because of the side effects of the pain killers.

But wait - there's more. Friday afternoon I took the boys to the club's shooting clinic, getting ready for the upcoming rec season. Some parents of the club's recently-formed BU8 Presidio team wanted to know why the younger one hadn't tried out for the team. "Didn't know about it, and he's only 6 - but he has an older brother who is 7 in the goalkeeper group." The following Monday we took the boys to try out for the BU8 team. I was still on crutches, and when the coach found out why, he asked me to be the defense and keeper assistant coach. I think he was just trying to keep me hooked so the boys would not quit the team (as 8 other players did that season).

The screws are still there, and they have never caused me any trouble. While we were waiting for a delayed flight at the Jackson MS airport a year or so later, I asked the security people if they could detect them - but they found nothing. However, a couple of years after that I set off the alarm at the Federal courthouse while reporting for jury duty.
Hey Pulguita
You know I’m roooting for a quick return and believe this can easily happen. Are the docs utilizing any PRP or Stem Cell therapy? Bone graft? This has an unbelievable impact in all orthopedic injury recovery. We are behind you and your dad 100%
Hey Pulguita
You know I’m roooting for a quick return and believe this can easily happen. Are the docs utilizing any PRP or Stem Cell therapy? Bone graft? This has an unbelievable impact in all orthopedic injury recovery. We are behind you and your dad 100%
Dad = DD. Love me spell check
Here you go. Fibia impact. Ankle displaced Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular and Anterior Talofibular rupture. Both will heal do not need surgical repair. If you look at x-ray screws and plate holding the fib together and if you look closely there are tw0 buttons with a cable holding the bone together. This does what the ligaments do while they heal. Pics are 10 days post op removing sutures starting to swim. Was never in cast fitted for walking boot at 10 days. Boot and crutchches 6 weeks. Started walking in boot with crutches July 4th. Hopefully will be walking without boot August 5th first day of camp. Have month of running- ready by September? Biggest issue is ligament repair and how long. Bone is healed after 6 weeks.

Gnarly. Man I really hope that she makes it back ASAP but most importantly that she doesn’t come back too soon.
Hey Pulguita
You know I’m roooting for a quick return and believe this can easily happen. Are the docs utilizing any PRP or Stem Cell therapy? Bone graft? This has an unbelievable impact in all orthopedic injury recovery. We are behind you and your dad 100%
No she is about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. The bone is healed its just a matter of how the ligaments are repairing themselves. Evidently doc says they do and she should be 100%. Should have an even stronger shot with the extra weight in that right foot. Ie the weighted golf club! HaHa