A $150 ball is 99% marketing. Its biggest benefit is durability which is meaningless for a tournament weekend with three balls. I guess im just not that impressed when people brag about the cost of something when there is no appreciable benefit from a less expensive model.
Our big issue with lost time was our late game on Saturday. There was no game to the north so any ball sent over this endline took more time to retrieve than was necessary. At the end of the day the fact is most tournaments provide or allow 3 balls, obviously they feel its preferable. Surf is a great tournament regardless.
Have you ever played soccer with an expensive soccer ball? I agree that a $150 ball is overpriced, but there is a huge difference between an expensive ball ($100+) and a cheap ball. The cheap balls, especially those nice shinny ones, have a surface that is stickier and will not release from the cleat smoothly. The sticky ball makes tit very difficult to maneuver when dribbling and does not release cleanly when kicking it.
There should have been a couple parents chasing down the ball or send a couple of the siblings to chase down the ball. There is always one to two crazy parents that will run like a mad man to get the ball.
When I worked Albion Cup a month ago there was only one ball per field and at the Disney tournament last December we only had one ball per field. I have worked many tournaments over the years that supply the game balls and only supply 1-2 balls.