2017-2018 D1 Women's Soccer Talk!

UDub was behind 0-2 after 17 mins to Michigan. They were chasing the game and were attacking more (had to when down 0-2) after digging themselves a hole. Thus the 22-7 shots advantage.

Unfortunately, my DD is the #2 right fullback. The #1 right fullback has started every game since her freshmen year and she couldn't beat her out. The bright side at least she made the travel roster.

BTW, it was Wazzu that tied Minnesota 0-0.
Thats cool.
Any players from socal on the Michigan side?
For Kiki to start on that Stanford squad she is a boss. It's tough to start on any college soccer team let alone a D1 team, let alone a top 5 one, let alone as a freshman. She is a helluva player. They migh be a college cup team.
I knew Kiki and Tara would start at USC and Stanford. Both are great players. You know a certain cross rival school was recruiting both of them.
Just out of curiousity, why does everyone feel the need to use initials when speaking of someone? Whether you are calling someone out or complementing someone, I don't see the necessity. TM? KP? I don't feel like looking up rosters to figure it out.
KK22, when you post on here it is searchable by the major search engines. Therefore if you post a player's entire name the post will show up in google searches for example. Thus as a courtesy many posters use players' initials to minimize possible public shaming of innocent individual soccer players and coaches etc. These are college kids playing for fun primarily. Many would be horrified to google their names and see what some yahoo on here posted about them.
KK22, when you post on here it is searchable by the major search engines. Therefore if you post a player's entire name the post will show up in google searches for example. Thus as a courtesy many posters use players' initials to minimize possible public shaming of innocent individual soccer players and coaches etc. These are college kids playing for fun primarily. Many would be horrified to google their names and see what some yahoo on here posted about them.
Now that makes complete sense. Never thought of that. Thanks SoccerO.
KK22, when you post on here it is searchable by the major search engines. Therefore if you post a player's entire name the post will show up in google searches for example. Thus as a courtesy many posters use players' initials to minimize possible public shaming of innocent individual soccer players and coaches etc. These are college kids playing for fun primarily. Many would be horrified to google their names and see what some yahoo on here posted about them.

Pep needs to iron some things out, but all things considered, not a bad result to come away with a tie.
They need to get things squared away this week.

I saw some great potential starting the 80th minute. When they are able to start off playing at that pace and accuracy then it's going to get really good.
My DD and I went to watch the game between Pep and VT. Pretty balanced game I thought. Although, I did think Pepperdine showed more offensively than VT. Both back lines were solid. Honestly thought Pepperdine was lucky to escape with a tie after giving up so many corners. VT relied to heavily on one forward to make things happen and got shut down routinely.