2017-2018 D1 Women's Soccer Talk!

Where's all the Mitches and former Mitches who rate my $hit dumb all the time
Now let me get my Pre Game on

@MakeAPlay the parental side of the user name...

Good Luck today

your player is a beast and a model for many kids in the OC

She dont need no bullying to make her shine. Ask the dds who follow her

And to you Pepp parents good luck to your dds as well

Touchy ass people
Now let me get my Pre Game on

@MakeAPlay the parental side of the user name...

Good Luck today

your player is a beast and a model for many kids in the OC

She dont need no bullying to make her shine. Ask the dds who follow her

And to you Pepp parents good luck to your dds as well

Touchy ass people

And good luck to your player against BYU.

After all the time, being smacked in the face by reality, nothing has changed. Makes me think there is still hope.