2017-2018 D1 Women's Soccer Talk!

What gender were you when you called out all the Mitches you speak of?

When you mentioned their club and their dd?

Were you male or female?

A Mitch is a Mitch regardless of who I am. I promise you that those mitch's talking yayo wouldn't do it to my face and if they did I would have another $500 bail for assault.

3D chess. Please remember
A Mitch is a Mitch regardless of who I am. I promise you that those mitch's talking yayo wouldn't do it to my face and if they did I would have another $500 bail for assault.

3D chess. Please remember
A Mitch is a Mitch regardless of who I am. I promise you that those mitch's talking yayo wouldn't do it to my face and if they did I would have another $500 bail for assault.

3D chess. Please remember
If bail is involved you gon have to give up that gender or as they say make up your mind

If you talk about my dd like you did the Mitches as you say. We gon need more gift cards because the bail gon be more then $500.
If bail is involved you gon have to give up that gender or as they say make up your mind

If you talk about my dd like you did the Mitches as you say. We gon need more gift cards because the bail gon be more then $500.

Again you read between the lines. I'm not worried about the bail. I can handle myself and I give out an open invitation to all comers to get froggy and test me. Again the apple don't fall far from the tree and this tree is an old growth oak that serves up apples of break yo a$$ off.
Again you read between the lines. I'm not worried about the bail. I can handle myself and I give out an open invitation to all comers to get froggy and test me. Again the apple don't fall far from the tree and this tree is an old growth oak that serves up apples of break yo a$$ off.