so WHERE should black people protest? in their own homes when no one is around? so it doesn't make you uncomfortable? why is it acceptable for white people to bring dollar store tiki torches to a a college town and chant racist BS, but some soccer players can't take a knee. GTFOH with this BS folks. check yourself when you have the NERVE to tell anyone how they should protest. its a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. oh and MOST military people I know (and you're talking to a daughter of an airmen, the granddaughter of a soldier, and the wife of another airmen) applaud the protest. the only people upset are YOU. who gives a damn if MLK and JFK were before your time? we talk about the holocaust ALL THE TIME, so we will MAKE TIME to talk about racial discrimination in this country. but since you can't handle it here, can you please just talk about soccer? your passive racism is DISGUSTING. God forbid my daughter ever taints yours in college by talking to her about her experiences as a young woman of color, your daughter may want to protest with her.
and this message is for WHOMEVER it needs to apply to. lets move along please.