2016-17 D1 Women's soccer thread!!!

Ha, you are an idiot! I haven't posted any underage child's info. Shartles DD at Pepperdine is a sophomore and his younger DD graduated from HS last year.

I will keep figuring out ANY posters identity, especially if they elect to leave trails on their posts. You think your a bad ass, because you can hide behind your alias? You are NOT the forum law, Dominic is...for the record my name is Robert Sanchez. Try googling that common name, moron!
So we're you named after the dirty Sanchez or vice versa?
Sorry, Im married, but thanks for the offer.

Why why why?
YOU posted Mr. Shartles MINOR daughter's info for no other reason than to prove how petite you are.
LE is NOT me.
Guess again, sherlock.
Really....a sophomore at Pepperdine is a minor? and his younger DD graduated HS last June. "IF" his younger DD is a minor...then I apologize for the mistake.
Just answer the question, I think I know.
How does it taste?
I don't even know what your are posting about? Dirty Sanchez, I googled it...ha so funny. You must have tried it, since you know what it is. Pervert!

you can keep trying to bully me...not gonna work!
Really....a sophomore at Pepperdine is a minor? and his younger DD graduated HS last June. "IF" his younger DD is a minor...then I apologize for the mistake.
She hasnt graduated, and she is still a minor.
I accept your apology. (on shartle's behalf)

Dont be such a Richard from now on.
I don't even know what your are posting about? Dirty Sanchez, I googled it...ha so funny. You must have tried it, since you know what it is. Pervert!

you can keep trying to bully me...not gonna work!
Let's do this, I can do this all day and night...bring it!
She hasnt graduated, and she is still a minor.
I accept your apology. (on shartle's behalf)

Dont be such a Richard from now on.
I can own up if I make a mistake! No sweat off my back.

Funny, Richard aka DICK....you're so hysterical, roll eyes! Is that the best you got? As I posted before, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words don't hurt me.
She hasnt graduated, and she is still a minor.
I accept your apology. (on shartle's behalf)

Dont be such a Richard from now on.
I do apologize for posting Shartles younger DDs max prep page. It stated she graduated in 2016, which looks like an error on Max Preps part.
I do apologize for posting Shartles younger DDs max prep page. It stated she graduated in 2016, which looks like an error on Max Preps part.
Apology accepted.
Its ok to be a dick on this site. Everyone does it. Where you went wrong, is when you bring people's families into the debate.
I never did that to you. Then, when you got cornered, you started threatening people. Thats a bad habit, and one that can lead nowhere good. I am honestly trying to help you here.
You did own up, and that is a step in the right direction.
Now everything is out in the light.
Be nice.
Signed, espoola.
Apology accepted.
Its ok to be a dick on this site. Everyone does it. Where you went wrong, is when you bring people's families into the debate.
I never did that to you. Then, when you got cornered, you started threatening people. Thats a bad habit, and one that can lead nowhere good. I am honestly trying to help you here.
You did own up, and that is a step in the right direction.
Now everything is out in the light.
Be nice.
Signed, espoola.
Cornered, please get over yourself Shartles. Like I was scared of Espoola, Pussycat and Sheriff blowhard. What does pussycat like to post....that's it ppfffttt!

BTW, all you had to do was post my younger DD was a minor and that Max Prep website stating she graduated in 2016 was wrong. If you posted that, I would have apologized several pages ago. ;)

Lastly, I will keep revealing who posters are on the forum as soon as I can figure them out. I was pretty close nailing who ESPOOLA was!
Apology accepted.
Its ok to be a dick on this site. Everyone does it. Where you went wrong, is when you bring people's families into the debate.
I never did that to you. Then, when you got cornered, you started threatening people. Thats a bad habit, and one that can lead nowhere good. I am honestly trying to help you here.
You did own up, and that is a step in the right direction.
Now everything is out in the light.
Be nice.
Signed, espoola.
BTW, why cower under another alias...scared to post as Bernie? Did it make you feel tougher and with your ALT Right PePe boys backing you up. Hahahaha Roflmao!
BTW, why cower under another alias...scared to post as Bernie? Did it make you feel tougher and with your ALT Right PePe boys backing you up. Hahahaha Roflmao!
Cornered, please get over yourself Shartles. Like I was scared of Espoola, Pussycat and Sheriff blowhard. What does pussycat like to post....that's it ppfffttt!

BTW, all you had to do was post my younger DD was a minor and that Max Prep website stating she graduated in 2016 was wrong. If you posted that, I would have apologized several pages ago. ;)

Lastly, I will keep revealing who posters are on the forum as soon as I can figure them out. I was pretty close nailing who ESPOOLA was!
There is no cowering here, Richard.
Let it go.