Yeah, if they make it. But even the teams that don't make the playoffs still get to play their local MLS academy(s).
My point is there's a bit more balance of opponents. For example, LAFC's 2007s haven't lost a game against 2007s in over 3 years. Last year they had a goal differential of around 50 in the southwest. This year, they have two 1-0 victories over RSL and Portland. Sounds like, they're facing more comparable opponents. Granted, I heard they haven't given up a shot on target against either team so that's scary if they start scoring more. lol. I don't know if that stat is true or not...
I want to go watch LAG and LAFC play in like two weeks.
Conversely a team that is perennially near the bottom of the rankings only has to face LAG or LAFC once each rather than twice, getting drilled 8, 10, 12 to 0 multiple times a year. It is a bummer a bit for a team like TFA that can hang and could get some Ws against some MLS academies. But, in theory, if they could, then their option is to win locally and show up in the playoffs... like LA Surf 06s last year.