I have read a bunch of stuff on this forum, why do people think getting selected to ODP does not matter or is a joke? It seems like a nice acknowledgement/accomplishment for the kids and used to mean something. Is it sour grapes or just too political and I realize the landscape is so different today.....new to this in 2010's and have no idea....much different from when I grew up, you had district tryouts and created a team, went to a state tournament/tryout, and then a state team formed with alternates, goes to regional camp, and plays in a tournament/tryout and regional team and alternates are formed, and then to Nat'l camp tournament/tryout..... etc.
Given this was in the late 80's early 90's but at least the net seems wider (anybody can show-up for a district tryout) and the kids compete....seems better than Coach or DOC nominations....