2017-2018 D1 Women's Soccer Talk!

What does that have to so with anything. One of my coworkers has a teenage daughter that goes by a boys name and dresses like a boy. She has enough to deal with without a$$holes making derogatory statements. Next thing you know you will be calling my daughter mullato. And by the way if you did that you would be swallowing teeth.

Just step away from this conversation. Don't tread into those deep waters. Just some advice.
Just trying to figure out the relationship to be he cause.
What does that have to so with anything. One of my coworkers has a teenage daughter that goes by a boys name and dresses like a boy. She has enough to deal with without a$$holes making derogatory statements. Next thing you know you will be calling my daughter mullato. And by the way if you did that you would be swallowing teeth.

Just step away from this conversation. Don't tread into those deep waters. Just some advice.

What is mullato? I doubt you know who the father is anyway.
Where did I call you a bigot? Not caring about being perceived as a bigot isn't a good thing. I'm not calling you a bigot but weird that you would quote me and mention it. If I have a problem with you I will not hesitate to go in on you. Carry on.
You brought it up.
You also clicked "winner" every time your friend, chargerfan called me a bigot, or insinuated the same. You didnt actually call me a bigot, you just agreed with the assessment.
I dont care what either of you think.
All I did was present the other side of the issue, in a civil, and respectful, way.
Men don't always stand up. Stop trying to justify this. Just drop it. You have said your piece.
Bathrooms are designed for the plumbing God gave us.
They dont discriminate based on any other factor.
I am an expert on this.

Men's rooms have urinals that are designed for male genitalia.
They also have conventional toilets that are designed for sitting down.
Women's restrooms have zero urinals, and more conventional toilet stalls .
Any argument over how and why public restrooms serve which gender, is not, in my opinion, a civil rights issue.
Hedge and Sanchez along with Gonzalez are going to be tough. JD will start at outside back for them. I think that Turnbow will be their first attacking player off the bench.
I like Santa Clara alot.
They have always been the benchmark for the conference, and seem to be pushing to regain that status.
It will be tough for BYU or Pepperdine to repeat as conference champs.
You brought it up.
You also clicked "winner" every time your friend, chargerfan called me a bigot, or insinuated the same. You didnt actually call me a bigot, you just agreed with the assessment.
I dont care what either of you think.
All I did was present the other side of the issue, in a civil, and respectful, way.

So you "don't care", but you are obsessing over everyone's responses?
What is mullato? I doubt you know who the father is anyway.

And I doubt that you would say that to my face. You have a small mind and it probably matches your penis. Does it get old having your daughters pathetic team get the crap kicked out of them on your dime in SoCal? You don't have to answer that. Living in Arizona speaks volumes about your situation. Who really wants to live in Satan's butt crack?
You brought it up.
You also clicked "winner" every time your friend, chargerfan called me a bigot, or insinuated the same. You didnt actually call me a bigot, you just agreed with the assessment.
I dont care what either of you think.
All I did was present the other side of the issue, in a civil, and respectful, way.

Bernie I have met you and I am not of the opinion that you are a bigot. If I had thought that then out interaction would have gone much different I promise you that. Just because I agree with the substance of an argument it doesn't mean that I draw the same conclusions about you. Trust me when I say that I would call you out if I thought that you were. I don't agree with your politics but I can agree to disagree as long as no lines are crossed. Part of what used to make America great is that we could have a civil discourse and do what is best for everyone even if it is unpopular. Now we are in an age where few people care about the facts and everyone "knows" something without having one shred of proof or worse with a preponderance of the evidence saying the opposite. I have first hand knowledge about the Civil Rights movement so please let's not go there.

You are cool with me until September 18th.
Bernie I have met you and I am not of the opinion that you are a bigot. If I had thought that then out interaction would have gone much different I promise you that. Just because I agree with the substance of an argument it doesn't mean that I draw the same conclusions about you. Trust me when I say that I would call you out if I thought that you were. I don't agree with your politics but I can agree to disagree as long as no lines are crossed. Part of what used to make America great is that we could have a civil discourse and do what is best for everyone even if it is unpopular. Now we are in an age where few people care about the facts and everyone "knows" something without having one shred of proof or worse with a preponderance of the evidence saying the opposite. I have first hand knowledge about the Civil Rights movement so please let's not go there.

You are cool with me until September 18th.
Watched a great WPSL game yesterday vs Beach (or in yesterday's rosters case, USC-lite!). So fun and getting me pumped for August!
My kid has been playing on that team from time to time. Some great players on it.
She missed yesterday because we had planned the weekend ahead of time, so she could be home with the family.
She brought the boyfriend down and I just fed them home made breakfast burritos.
Ive seen your kid make some fantastic saves against them.
Who won?
My kid has been playing on that team from time to time. Some great players on it.
She missed yesterday because we had planned the weekend ahead of time, so she could be home with the family.
She brought the boyfriend down and I just fed them home made breakfast burritos.
Ive seen your kid make some fantastic saves against them.
Who won?

Beach, 2-1. Great match.
Anyway, Back to soccer... Was wondering how.many parents of D1 players were D1 players themselves and if you think that makes a difference with your DD's and their athletic careers?

Both of my players parents were D1 athletes. I would say that it gave her the raw talent but it was her hard work that got her to where she is. The advantage that I believe that she had was that she had parents that were able to guide her through the process by taking the long view. We weren't concerned with the wins and losses. Our focus was set clearly on her and helping her develop the habits that would serve her best when it mattered most.