Heard that Real So Cal is terminating their ECNL partnership to focus on their DA teams, can anyone confirm?
Heard that Real So Cal is terminating their ECNL partnership to focus on their DA teams, can anyone confirm?
I don't think anyone on this site can confirm anything. I did hear they are moving from ECNL to DAII for their second tier team. Lot's of discussion on DAII status over in the DA thread...
Perhaps not, but my information comes from multiple anonymous sources, so it must be correct.
Actually it is based on a summary report from the ECNL general meeting held in February and what a current RSC parent of an ECNL player claims their coach told them. Both could change or be wrong.
Since tryouts are ongoing for '03 and below, one would hope clubs could outline the leagues they plan to participate in. Instead, Hope seems increasingly to be the strategy, except in goal for the USWNT.
Does anyone have insight into Northern Cal? It appears most have backed out of DA. With most of Socals best players in DA, our ENCL teams (especially at the younger ages) could be in for a rude awakening.
Yes but the gap will be wider and parents that see their little Mia get blown out after being told how great her team is will not be happy.This shouldn't change much. They are always in for a rude awakening when they play Deanza and their brand of soccer. Blows us away stylistically
I heard from multiple sources that RSC are out of ECNL also.
I think @MakeAPlay started it - all this picking on little Mia. We need to leave Mia alone and move onto Chloe or Autumn (insert SOCAL name)
I think that we can agree that the purpose of ECNL is for exposure. Most of the parents of the players that are moving to DA know this because they have been in the system for some time. However, a new group of kids and parents will now be exposed to ECNL as room has been made with ECNL players going to DA. If this new group understands the purpose of ECNL, no issue. But I do not believe that they will unless clubs take the time to educate parents. This should make for interesting side lines conversations.
Very True. And if DA gets all the "soccer players only" and ECNL gets all the "soccer players who are multi-sport athletes who want to play high school"-- colleges will no doubt be looking at both anyways.I am not so sold that ECNL in SoCal will be all "B" teams. I know of several very talented, top tier players who are multi-sport atheletes thar are going ECNL over DA because of the restrictions.
I heard that ECNL terminated the membership of Real So Cal and Eagles based on the performance criteria they laid out for DA clubs to also participate in ECNL, but either way, the net result would be the same.
Just so I understand, who denied RSC's application for their second team-- ECNL?I attended the RSC meeting so I can confirm. RSC applied to have their second team be ECNL (like Blues, Surf, West Coast, and Slammers), but they were denied. There was certain criteria (numbers of national championships; average number of playoff teams each season) that they did not meet.