T 2.0


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And this

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Related? We’ll see. It’s a great time if you love transparency.
The cheating came from those on the Left & Right. Cheating has no color and no morals. If you chose to cheat, kill, lie and steal to win all your life like Crooked Joe and others like him, well then, your time is up. We're all going to play a new game and it's not going to be about human trafficking and sex trafficking. Them days are over. Everyone is witnessing how people will lose all their ability to make money off cheating, lying and selling kids. It's why the left and some on the right are losing their minds, because their losing their money to do evil. Money is a scam. It's all about God & Gold now. Good luck everyone
No more "I love you's" to the boys who think they a lady. Sorry fellas, you can't be a lady, even if you try. It's impossible. Good luck everyone


"Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons." RFK, Jr.

"Vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons." RFK, Jr.
The olds days of Measle sleepovers are coming back Squishy. I got sick in early 2020 and July 2021. I have not been sick again. I am fully 100% immune from all the man-made evils. I am pure blood. Take the jabs, it's your God given right to poison yourself. Good luck Squishy