Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

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Little weak man never developed in the men's academy of life. Nope, little weak man has to tuck his junk and then pretend to be a girl. You truly are a sicko. Also, this little weak man is so rich he supports males to go into girls bathrooms and then go beat up on the girls in the girls academy to win prizes. What a piece of work you have developed into loser. I have the best job ever loser.

You think comments like “tuck his junk” and accusing children with gender dysphoria of “pretending to be little girls” is funny? You also falsely accuse children with gender dysphoria of faking it so they can win medals and soccer games, which is absolute rubbish. How do your think your accusing children of having malicious reasons for playing sports and completely denying the legitimacy of a real medical condition harms the emotional well being of children, you piece of shit?
Thank you for pointing out my accusations for the 10th time, I never said I want trans children killed fucker. Take it back asshole. You sure are unhedged, stupid and make false statements about what I have said on here. I DO NOT WANT TRANS Males WHO THINK THEIR A FEMALE TO BE ALLOWED IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM, GIRLS LOCKER ROOM OR IN GIRL SPORTS. I am not alone in that opinion. You are falling like rock and you are a dumb rock. Get over it dude. Look, you cheated in youth soccer and you know it. You just want to deflect your cheating and accuse me of wanting kids killed. I have to go speak with my legal team now because this is taking another twist as I kick your ass online. I will be back later. @Dominic I am not joking about my wanting this dealt with. I know you have a job and other things to deal with but I want that false statement dealt with and I want this clown removed. He's becoming a serious threat again. EOTL threaten my 13 year old and you band that clown so deal with him or I will. TY judge Dom.

You spend virtually every single day here mocking and denigrating trans children. It would be one thing if you were willing to have a respectful conversation, but you don’t even try, so I pick on you for it. Regardless, you know exactly what you are dong and the effect your abysmal comments have on the emotional well-being of children. Yeah, your complete disregard and lack of even the most basic human decency towards trans children gets them killed, either through violence or suicide. No matter how much you try to bury your head in the sand, you know it to be true. You are a piece of shit.
… and accuse me of wanting kids killed. I have to go speak with my legal team now because this is taking another twist as I kick your ass online. I will be back later. …
Actually it’s a plea hearing you’re going into with your lawyers, not simply “speaking with your legal team”. And I’m afraid that unless your lawyers have previously negotiated a bail arrangement, the DOJ thugs will be taking you into custody, and you won’t “be back later”.
That is 100% a lie. I do not believe in murder and want no harm to any human, regardless of how they live. You better take that back asshole. @Dominic, this is over the line and a clear violation of the rules of forum. Sir, please deal with this liar, thank you. One of the guys in my wedding has a transgender son you piece of poo poo. You just make up shit because your grasping at air and grab any Trump Hate Straws you can fine online. You lie through your soul all day. You cheated in soccer and you know it. You lie just like your father. My gosh, why lie so much? Accusing me of wanting to kill anyone is horrible and pure evil on your part and has no place here at the socal soccer forum. I do not want males who are trans going into females bathrooms trying to harass girls, rape them and I do not want them swimming, running, biking, weight lifting or playing soccer against girls. Nowhere have I ever said I want to kill trans children or anyone loser. Dom, please deal with this avatar, TY.

You think you can intentionally denigrate and mock trans children here virtually every single day, knowing exactly how hurtful and harmful your comments are to them, knowing that your types of comments contribute to their high rates of suicide, yet you want to bury your head in the sand about the impact that you and your comments have on actual human beings? No. You owe trans children an apology you piece of shit.
Ah, @crush, is your brand of hate towards children all fun and games until you’re called out for the effects it has on actual children? You can’t take me mocking you and your hate?
Here is a bit of good news....

A new Gallup poll released Monday reveals that most Americans reject the concept of biological men competing in women's sports.
69% of Americans believe that athletes should play against athletes of their own sex, regardless of transgender identification.
Only 26% of respondents said that transgender individuals should be allowed to compete with opposite-sex athletes.

And the trend is in the right direction...

This poll shows a considerable change in public opinion in just two years. The same poll conducted by Gallup in 2021 found that 62% of Americans felt that sports should be divided by biological sex.

The more people see men taking womens spots in womens sports, the more they realize it is wrong.
Breaking News: Both Trump and his aide Walt Nauta were placed ‘under arrest,’ booked and fingerprinted as they awaited Tuesday’s court proceedings.

It's interesting to see how must of my friends who are teachers and professors are so giddy today. I saw on Fakebook how people are saying, "Finally he's arrested." The same people who lost their marbles when Trump upset the Witch Hillary in 2016. The same people who said Trump colluded with Russia. The same people who wanted Trump impeached twice. The same people who supported the mask, the jabs, the boosters and even more boosters. The same people who supported the rigged election and the same people who think Trump incited an insurrection and the same people who hate MAGA. The same people who support war and stand with Ukraine to kicks Russia's ass. The same people who want Trans Satan Worshipers preaching & teaching ALL of us that males are actually female's with penises and "they" can use the girls bathrooms, the girls locker rooms anytime they wany and they Trans can compete against females in sports anytime they want. The Gr8t Awakening is finally here folks. Buckle up and get ready.

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Several presidents before him took and kept classified docs.

The only President known to have kept classified documents after leaving office was LBJ He did it because he wanted to hide his lies and scheming that had led us so deeply into the Vietnam War. Nixon didn't do anything about it because he wanted to play the same games with the American People. It was also probably legal at that time, since the Presidential Records Act was not passed until the '80s. No President since then has held onto any documents on leaving office except those that are clearly defined in the Presidential Records Act as "Personal Documents". Even worse for t's position, the National Archives would have provided for free a secure location anywhere in the country where he could have stored and accessed classified documents for his future use, such as writing memoirs and the like.
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@espola @SurFutbol @Hüsker Dü @Nonononono @dad4 @fourteenknots @tenacious @EvilGoalie 21

Hey guys, great arrest today. I know it's been a long hard fight for you all the last 7 years and you finally what you wanted. You and your team arrested the first President ever in our republic. Great job. Enjoy your day. I do have a few questions.

1. How many of you are Witches
2. How many of you are demons?
3. How many of you are warlocks

Please stop harming children you guys. Seriously, you ALL have serious issues and never developed. You're the one's who are Traitors to our country and support cheating in soccer because you're rich as hell and buy whatever you want. You will pay dearly for your cheating. It will be amazing if I can get all of you together for such a times as this. Again, please leave the children alone, please.
The only President known to have kept classified documents after leaving office was LBJ He did it because he wanted to hide his lies and scheming that had led us so deeply into the Vietnam War. Nixon didn't do anything about it because he wanted to play the same games with the American People. It was also probably legal at that time, since the Presidential Records Act was not passed until the '80s. No President since then has held onto any documents on leaving office except those that are clearly defined in the Presidential Records Act as "Personal Documents". Even worse for t's position, the National Archives would have provided for free a secure location anywhere in the country where he could have stored and accessed classified documents for his future use, such as writing memoirs and the like.
Traitor Espola the Marxist lies again and again. Say hi to Jackoff Smith for me. You are the biggest liar ever on the forum. You MUST engage me loser. It's the rules of nature. You should never have crossed God and his children. Bad Daddy!!!
One of the reasons Hillary and others were not prosecutable was that the law regarding classified materials was looser back then. It was tightened up with new laws passed in 2018 so they could "lock her up" in the future. Guess who was President then.

Hoist on his own petard.

Lock her up in the future? Was she hoping to lose the election a 3rd time?
Here's something Biden is doing better than t --

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Everytime Trump tried to make cuts you losers whined and cried about it. Every single time. And guess what... when you create a stronger economy, you can spend more. But Nancy had to make sure the Kennedy Center was always top notch for her wealthy, criminal friends. You losers had to make sure the U.S. continued funding 20% of all your bullshit climate programs. You needed to make sure we kept dumping money into illegal aliens, bums and junkies because it makes you feel good and you need to buy votes. At the end of the day, you're nothing but talk. Except when it doesn't benefit you to talk... like talking about the middle class tax cut Trump gave Americans. You never talk about that. Why?

Just like when JoeTato shut the American economy down and then had the audacity to say he created jobs when people went back to work. Fucking clowns.