
And you've got to admit between Joe's continual attacks on gay people (seemingly because he's afraid he might become one) and his latest statement that he look at a million women and found them all repulsive... that there is something queer going on over at the sherifs house?

He's a living, breathing airport bathroom scandal....
Drink it in....

I think the one with the beard, and receeding hair line is mildly attractive.
Im sorry, the first one, wait maybe it was the second one with the thinner beard.

The two on the right look like they are 12 years old so I'll just ignore them. But the reporter is cute, and the third one... well it reminds of a digital underground song:

Hey yo fat girl, come here are ya ticklish?
Yeah, I called ya fat; look at me, I'm skinny
It never stopped me from getting busy
I'm a freak, I like the girls with the boom
I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom

Read more: Digital Underground - Humpty Dance Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Deny it all you want- but I've never met a straight dude who looks at a million women and doesn't find one who is attractive.
Honestly my only comment is it's a shame that some folks have to lead miserable lives, because they want to keep it on the down-low. Just know, when you're ready... I'm here to support and can empathize with your situation. I think you'll find most american's will too.
I really didn't bother to watch any of the baby killing rally, but in the news footage I saw there was not one woman there I would waste my time on. Ugly to the bone. Typical of a group of libs.
There are beautiful women everywhere, even in places like Afghanistan, believe it or not.
Most of the "women" I saw in the "pussy rally" were not.
Im sure a few were clean and relatively attractive in another setting.

I'll bet 60 plus % were followers ( lemming ) and their tune changes when away from the pack mentality , Soros's money has a way of manipulating " marginal " Dems....That rally was not all women by a long shot, lots of paid handlers.
Soros's money has a way of manipulating " marginal " Dems....That rally was not all women by a long shot, lots of paid handlers.

I love how the low brow, marginal conspiracy nuts on the right have made Soros their boogeyman, crediting him with far more than any one human can accomplish and far worse than the two Koch brothers....
I love how the low brow, marginal conspiracy nuts on the right have made Soros their boogeyman, crediting him with far more than any one human can accomplish and far worse than the two Koch brothers....
All the protesters are paid for by Soros . . . I wonder how that system works?
If Trump and Co. screw up peoples access to healthcare insurance, and his promise that every American would get access to insurance doesn't materialize- chances are videos of Hillary aren't going to calm them down any.
No it won't. But their are some real solutions in the eurozone where access is much better because they have more doctors, more hospital beds, lower diabetes rates, and higher life expectancy and no Trump.
Hateful dialogue... I'm the one in here offering to let Joe mow my lawn and Bernie clean my bathrooms after Trump crashes the economy. How am I the hateful one?
Lawn mowers use fossil fuels and Both have to use fossil fuels to get to your house. That's hateful to the environment.
Haha..your the guy inviting other guys into a porta potty with you. Hilarious!

Offer still stands, I know you're curious...

Lawn mowers use fossil fuels and Both have to use fossil fuels to get to your house. That's hateful to the environment.
Yes, yes of course, all or nothing. Ask some people to think about their habits and where they could improve by not being so wasteful/messy and they curl up in a ball and cry, "Then NOTHING AT ALL! NOTHING AT ALL!" Is it that much to ask for you to actually consider the world around you, outside of your sphere of influence?