Bruddah IZ
In a literature review, the Civitas Institute, “Certificate of Need: Does It Actually Control Healthcare Costs?,”
One hospital industry respondent to a National Institute for Healthcare Reform Study reported “member hospitals initially had mixed views about the benefits of CON but banded together to support the process after realizing it was a valuable tool to block new physician-owned facilities.”
Innovation and competition are thus stifled in order to continue the profitability of existing healthcare providers. Physicians and multi-physician groups find it harder to open and operating ambulatory surgery centers, freestanding radiology practices, and other facilities that would allow consumers to enjoy healthcare that is potentially both lower-cost and higher-quality.
The Washington State Certificate of Need website
makes fun browsing. The “methodology” sets out numerical targets for facilities in “planning areas.” Thus, the idea of building an “unneeded” facility simply because you can do it better and cheaper than an incumbent is explicitly prohibited.
One hospital industry respondent to a National Institute for Healthcare Reform Study reported “member hospitals initially had mixed views about the benefits of CON but banded together to support the process after realizing it was a valuable tool to block new physician-owned facilities.”
Innovation and competition are thus stifled in order to continue the profitability of existing healthcare providers. Physicians and multi-physician groups find it harder to open and operating ambulatory surgery centers, freestanding radiology practices, and other facilities that would allow consumers to enjoy healthcare that is potentially both lower-cost and higher-quality.
The Washington State Certificate of Need website
makes fun browsing. The “methodology” sets out numerical targets for facilities in “planning areas.” Thus, the idea of building an “unneeded” facility simply because you can do it better and cheaper than an incumbent is explicitly prohibited.