
Ain’t Ca great?

Keep It Up, California: A Major City Gives Its Homeless Hotel Rooms, Alcohol, and Drugs
Posted at 9:30 pm on May 06, 2020 by Alex Parker

AP featured image
Bill Semeniuk, 67, smokes cannabis in Kamloops, British Columbia, Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2018. Canada became the largest country with a legal national marijuana marketplace as sales began early Wednesday. (Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press via AP)

If you’re a charitable, caring person, perhaps you’d like to give homeless people something to help. You know, like drugs and alcohol.

If so, the San Francisco Department of Public Health is right there with ya.

Out in California — a place known for making the very best problem-solving decisions — the home of Rice-A-Roni is offering
those without permanent lodging a relaxing bit of the ol’ life.
Here’s how the story came out:
Twitter user “T Wolf,” whose profile identifies him as a “formerly homeless addict in #recovery advocating for the #truth about homelessness and drug addiction,” dropped a social media bomb.

He posted:
“I just found out that homeless placed in hotels in SF are being delivered Alcohol, Weed and Methadone because they identified as an addict/alcoholic for FREE. You’re supposed to be offering treatment. This is enabling and is wrong on many levels.”
Unions are toast, shame.

Ohio Unions Are Ignoring Requests to Leave – It’s Time for Gov. DeWine, Admin Services to Act
Posted at 4:00 pm on May 06, 2020 by Freedom Foundation

On May 1, the Freedom Foundation sent Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine a formal request from 462 public employees who all want out of their government unions.

Since last October, the Freedom Foundation has been assisting public employees in the state who want to opt out, and hundreds have successfully done so. However, unions like the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) have prevented hundreds more from exercising that right.
The Department of Administrative Services (DAS), which is partly responsible for directing the state’s labor relations and human resources policies, also received requests. They are collectively responsible and potentially liable for deducting union dues from public employees who have requested the deductions stop.

The Freedom Foundation opened its Ohio office in October 2019 and has been working tirelessly ever since to help educate more than 330,000 public employees about their First Amendment right to opt out of their union.
Republican Governor Greg Abbott's orders dumbass.

The Texas Supreme Court over ruled this pompous asshole of a judge & set this woman free.
You claim to have relatives in Texas, you never said one was a judge.
Once again you should have kept your mouth shut, that man is a menace and will face reelection soon.
I'm betting in spite of his relationship to you, he won't be reelected.
This judge didn't sentence her for opening her business, he sentenced her because she wouldn't bow down and kiss his ass and apologize.
You're cut from the same cloth as this judge, no comprehension of the issues, pompous pontifications that lead most descent folks wonder what the hell is wrong with you...
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The Texas Supreme Court over ruled this pompous asshole of a judge & set this woman free.
You claim to have relatives in Texas, you never said one was a judge.
Once again you should have kept your mouth shut, that man is a menace and will face reelection soon.
I'm betting in spite of his relationship to you, he won't be reelected.
This judge didn't sentence her for opening her business, he sentenced her because she wouldn't bow down and kiss his ass and apologize.
You're cut from the same cloth as this judge, no comprehension of the issues, pompous pontifications that lead most descent folks wonder what the hell is wrong with you...

So let's break this down real quick, per the legal actions taken against them, it's wrong for these individuals to violate the stay at home orders by conducting beauty services from their homes. Look at the difference of their mug shots and how the media paints them. Where is their go fund me? Where is the media outrage for them to be released and fines covered by donation? This took place in Laredo, TX.

-180 days in jail, $2000 fine each, or both.
-No media outrage for them
-No Attorney General backing
-No Texas Governor support
-Fines were not covered by donation
-No go fund me fundraiser
Now let's look at the next individual at hand, it is excusable for this individual to break the stay at home orders by opening her salon despite local executive orders and receiving a Small business loan through the CARES act to help her business survive. Look at her mug shot, has she been criminalized in the media? Where is her stripe suit? Where are the 173 days missing from her sentence? This took place in Dallas, TX.
-7 days jail time
-$7000 fine; $500 for everyday she refused to close (which was personally covered by Dan Patrick- donation)
-$500,305 total funds as of today through go fund me
-Attorney General demanding she be released from jail
-TX Gov releasing a statement cosigning with Ken Paxton
"The worst form of inequality, is to try and make unequal things equal." -Aristotle
View attachment 7101View attachment 7100
So let's break this down real quick, per the legal actions taken against them, it's wrong for these individuals to violate the stay at home orders by conducting beauty services from their homes. Look at the difference of their mug shots and how the media paints them. Where is their go fund me? Where is the media outrage for them to be released and fines covered by donation? This took place in Laredo, TX.

-180 days in jail, $2000 fine each, or both.
-No media outrage for them
-No Attorney General backing
-No Texas Governor support
-Fines were not covered by donation
-No go fund me fundraiser
Now let's look at the next individual at hand, it is excusable for this individual to break the stay at home orders by opening her salon despite local executive orders and receiving a Small business loan through the CARES act to help her business survive. Look at her mug shot, has she been criminalized in the media? Where is her stripe suit? Where are the 173 days missing from her sentence? This took place in Dallas, TX.
-7 days jail time
-$7000 fine; $500 for everyday she refused to close (which was personally covered by Dan Patrick- donation)
-$500,305 total funds as of today through go fund me
-Attorney General demanding she be released from jail
-TX Gov releasing a statement cosigning with Ken Paxton
"The worst form of inequality, is to try and make unequal things equal." -Aristotle

I'm pretty damn sure the first two you are " siding " with were COVID-19 displaced
employees ( You now " Sub contractors " ) who were doing work at peoples homes....
That's illegal no matter what....work has to be done in a licensed Salon with Insurance...
The third lady was pissed because she followed all the rules of reorganizing her Salon and
was still refused the ability to generate income for her Business/Family.....

I very begrudgingly follow the rules that asswipe Gruesome laid down, I don't like it one bit.....but I was a
lucky ( If you want to call it luck....) business/entreprenuer that could adapt...revenue is down, but not terrible.
If I had been in Texas in that type of position I would have done exactly what she did....
No if ands or Buts....Period...!

Mark my words .....the next crisis is a Financial one that will chill California to the bone if Gruesome
continues on the path he's on right now....

Where do you think all that tax revenue comes from.....it ain't from a tree out in back of Gruesome's


Hey .....Fake Horse handler.....who's doctoring your posts now....The old man who
used to buy you and your " Buds " beer....
View attachment 7101View attachment 7100
So let's break this down real quick, per the legal actions taken against them, it's wrong for these individuals to violate the stay at home orders by conducting beauty services from their homes. Look at the difference of their mug shots and how the media paints them. Where is their go fund me? Where is the media outrage for them to be released and fines covered by donation? This took place in Laredo, TX.

-180 days in jail, $2000 fine each, or both.
-No media outrage for them
-No Attorney General backing
-No Texas Governor support
-Fines were not covered by donation
-No go fund me fundraiser
Now let's look at the next individual at hand, it is excusable for this individual to break the stay at home orders by opening her salon despite local executive orders and receiving a Small business loan through the CARES act to help her business survive. Look at her mug shot, has she been criminalized in the media? Where is her stripe suit? Where are the 173 days missing from her sentence? This took place in Dallas, TX.
-7 days jail time
-$7000 fine; $500 for everyday she refused to close (which was personally covered by Dan Patrick- donation)
-$500,305 total funds as of today through go fund me
-Attorney General demanding she be released from jail
-TX Gov releasing a statement cosigning with Ken Paxton
"The worst form of inequality, is to try and make unequal things equal." -Aristotle
To quote a famous philosopher,
“I’m calling bullshit.”
View attachment 7101View attachment 7100
So let's break this down real quick, per the legal actions taken against them, it's wrong for these individuals to violate the stay at home orders by conducting beauty services from their homes. Look at the difference of their mug shots and how the media paints them. Where is their go fund me? Where is the media outrage for them to be released and fines covered by donation? This took place in Laredo, TX.

-180 days in jail, $2000 fine each, or both.
-No media outrage for them
-No Attorney General backing
-No Texas Governor support
-Fines were not covered by donation
-No go fund me fundraiser
Now let's look at the next individual at hand, it is excusable for this individual to break the stay at home orders by opening her salon despite local executive orders and receiving a Small business loan through the CARES act to help her business survive. Look at her mug shot, has she been criminalized in the media? Where is her stripe suit? Where are the 173 days missing from her sentence? This took place in Dallas, TX.
-7 days jail time
-$7000 fine; $500 for everyday she refused to close (which was personally covered by Dan Patrick- donation)
-$500,305 total funds as of today through go fund me
-Attorney General demanding she be released from jail
-TX Gov releasing a statement cosigning with Ken Paxton
"The worst form of inequality, is to try and make unequal things equal." -Aristotle
Im on the side of freedom.
Did they get a 2000 dollar fine, or 180 days in jail, or both?
Fry em.
I said "like" for the sentiment, but of course capital punishment is complete nonsense for a million reasons. Just look at the company we're in on that.
I said "like" for the sentiment, but of course capital punishment is complete nonsense for a million reasons. Just look at the company we're in on that.

Gosh Messy. If we were talking about something like that happening to my relative I hope I would have to walk into court and say I don't believe in that. But if that dead man's family wants to go in and ask for true justice? I don't know that I disagree that the death penalty is wrong in this type of case.
Gosh Messy. If we were talking about something like that happening to my relative I hope I would have to walk into court and say I don't believe in that. But if that dead man's family wants to go in and ask for true justice? I don't know that I disagree that the death penalty is wrong in this type of case.
Those two will probably walk, this being America and all.