*19 April 2016, Donald Trump confuses 9/11 for convenience store 7 Eleven at a speech in Buffalo, New York. *Wow... you and your 'alter ego' are really hurt by losing to Trump, aren't you? Tell me... which hurt more... watching liberal lesbians crying on the DNC floor and Cankles refusing to come out... or spending 3.5 years trying to get rid of Trump and having it fail miserably? Moreover, will it hurt even more when Trump destroys Biden in 6 months? I mean, I notice your pie hole slams shut when we mention Creepy Joe's dementia and moronic comments like "the cure will be much worse than the virus." You gonna run and hide from that again?
Words too big?Jesus... that sentence gave me an aneurysm. Trump won because Cankles Rodham was the other choice.
I know what you meant, it was a dig at espola, which he got right away which is why he responded to it. As for you, the bet is on. I expect you to sign off for good 7/31 like you said.I meant cull the herd on here. Rid ourselves of those who are willingly blind to science and the experts who spend their lives studying things like this. We should find ways to get them to volunteer to stop spreading their poison, as my bet will do with that dunce.
United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
United States Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries, trends and timeline.www.worldometers.info
96968 infected in the USA
1477 deaths in the USA
0.01523188 death rate in the USA
I didn't like her public personality, I didn't like the way she spoke, and I was offended by her insistence on breaking the rules on handling classified communications. T scores even lower on all those factors.
:20 = nononono; 4:28 = TheOutlaw which one is Sheriff Joe? I'm thinking 10:58?
*19 April 2016, Donald Trump confuses 9/11 for convenience store 7 Eleven at a speech in Buffalo, New York. *
Words too big?
That's about 1.5%, which is in the range Dr. Fauci quoted in an interview last night.
If that's all you got, Biden's lightyears ahead of Trump. I could go through each and every point you wrote and explain how none of those are signs of "dementia" but rather misspeaking. But you know that already. Plus you've got to have something to desperately hold on to, so I don't want to ruin what is currently giving you comfort.Maybe you aren't as tired as you are bored.
1. Running for the senate
2. Taking away our AR-14s
3. Not knowing what state he's in.
4. Saying the cure will be worse than the virus.
5. Unable to distinguish his wife from his sister.
6. Looking forward to the results from Super Thursday.
Please... Biden makes Bernie Magoo look competent.
You are a professional troll. There is no way you truly believe all of that crap. The exclamation points, the random capitalization, the exaggerated dog whistles...all someone sitting back typing shit he doesn't really believe as a way to amuse himself and get a reaction.WTF are you talking about....
Population of the United States - 327,200,000/1477 =221530.129
1 death per 221530 at present
1477 is what % of 327200000 = .0004514059 %
CDC report stated 80,000 people died of flu deaths in 2018 Flu season....
They didn't shut down the WHOLE ECONOMY FOR THAT !
CDC Website estimates 24,000 - 62,000 FLU Deaths for 2019-2020
Yes ! Just regular FLU deaths....
The MSM and Politicians are manufacturing this event with COVID-19
as the backdrop to collapse a ROBUST American Economy..
Robert Mueller couldn't do it...
Stormy Daniels/Micheal Avenatti couldn't do it...
Tax records couldn't do it....
Impeachment couldn't do it.....
So right on the heels of a failed Impeachment Coup this SCAM comes up !!!!
You are a professional troll. There is no way you truly believe all of that crap. The exclamation points, the random capitalization, the exaggerated dog whistles...all someone sitting back typing shit he doesn't really believe as a way to amuse himself and get a reaction.
If that's all you got, Biden's lightyears ahead of Trump. I could go through each and every point you wrote and explain how none of those are signs of "dementia" but rather misspeaking. But you know that already. Plus you've got to have something to desperately hold on to, so I don't want to ruin what is currently giving you comfort.
We'll see how Trump versus Biden debates go, how about that?
and here is our current flu season info from CDChttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.htmlhttps://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html
CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.
Yikes!If that's all you got, Biden's lightyears ahead of Trump. I could go through each and every point you wrote and explain how none of those are signs of "dementia" but rather misspeaking. But you know that already. Plus you've got to have something to desperately hold on to, so I don't want to ruin what is currently giving you comfort.
We'll see how Trump versus Biden debates go, how about that?
You know what's sad? That so many idiots such as you, in the age of idiocy, think you can come up with your own stats. You losers do the same thing with climate change. It's why are country is starting to fail. Too many idiots ignoring the experts. I can't wait until you're gone. Take Outlaw with you too, please, back to Loserville. FYI, we had about 300 deaths a week ago, 700 deaths 3 days ago and 1600 deaths now.10% of hospitalizations require ICU for the flu. lets say that's roughly 500k hospitalizations this year. That means 50k received ICU care. Last I checked only 20% of confirmed cases required hospitalization for coronavirus and 2.8% required ICU. We have 100k cases, which means 20k hospitalized. That gives us only 2,800 in ICU so far. Lets just say that out of the 50k that is expected to receive ICU care this year for the flu, they would never have gotten coronavirus. that would only be a 5.6% increase in ICU care so far this season. With hospitalizations that can go up to 800k+ on the high end of a bad flu season, the increased ICU admissions is far from critical based on the numbers so far for the coronavirus.
ICU Admission and Mortality during Flu Season - Contemporary Approaches to Influenza A and B
Are you confident of your ability to quickly identify hospitalized flu patients at risk for a poor outcome?www.medpagetoday.com
"OUR" country. And it's not my stats, they ARE the stats for flu and coronavirus. These facts are hard to swallow for someone that was fooled by this crisis, but by 7/31 you'll be gone so I don't care.You know what's sad? That so many idiots such as you, in the age of idiocy, think you can come up with your own stats. You losers do the same thing with climate change. It's why are country is starting to fail. Too many idiots ignoring the experts. I can't wait until you're gone. Take Outlaw with you too, please, back to Loserville. FYI, we had about 300 deaths a week ago, 700 deaths 3 days ago and 1600 deaths now.
Oh, so those AREN'T signs of dementia. The man can't finish a single sentence without closing his eyes, stuttering and drifting off into oblivion. Those are signs of dementia and Obama even knows it. Why do you think he refuses to endorse him? Who else is he going to endorse... Bernie Magoo? Old Joe wasn't stuttering when sitting back in the chair and bragging about how he extorted Ukraine out of $1B if they didn't back off his kid.
I wish the debates were next week. I can only imagine how much fun it will be watching Biden drool about Corn Pop and all the great things he's done being a a career politician for the last 40-years.
You know what's sad? That so many idiots such as you, in the age of idiocy, think you can come up with your own stats. You losers do the same thing with climate change. It's why are country is starting to fail. Too many idiots ignoring the experts. I can't wait until you're gone. Take Outlaw with you too, please, back to Loserville. FYI, we had about 300 deaths a week ago, 700 deaths 3 days ago and 1600 deaths now.