From Russia With Love

When that numbnut claims to have read the report, have him cite the federal codes Mueller carefully and methodically cites at the outset of each of the 10 specific acts of obstruction of justice. Mueller was frankly over killing on the laws Trumpo broke.

But he knew nincompoops like numbnuts would lie about reading the report, and spew venom about “where is the crime”. Classic nutter behavior.
Its funny, and sad.
Keep going, please.
When that numbnut claims to have read the report, have him cite the federal codes Mueller carefully and methodically cites at the outset of each of the 10 specific acts of obstruction of justice. Mueller was frankly over killing on the laws Trumpo broke.

But he knew nincompoops like numbnuts would lie about reading the report, and spew venom about “where is the crime”. Classic nutter behavior.

No Crime was stated...
No Crime was Listed....

You Loser Libs ain't got squat....

Buutttt... a whole Buuuunch of your Loser Libs might hang for Treason...!
When that numbnut claims to have read the report, have him cite the federal codes Mueller carefully and methodically cites at the outset of each of the 10 specific acts of obstruction of justice. Mueller was frankly over killing on the laws Trumpo broke.

But he knew nincompoops like numbnuts would lie about reading the report, and spew venom about “where is the crime”. Classic nutter behavior.
Wait, you buffoons trumpeteered Mueller for two years only to now trumpet the “no day in court” clause? Lmao! Fries U! What a deal!
The house doesn’t really matter.

The House has the power to hold hearings and subpoena testimony and documents before deciding whether to send a bill of impeachment to the Senate. The results of that may influence the opinions and behavior of Senators.

And -- by historical precedent, Nixon resigned when the House committee hearings made it obvious to most Americans that he was, after all, a crook, even before the whole House had a chance to vote.
The House has the power to hold hearings and subpoena testimony and documents before deciding whether to send a bill of impeachment to the Senate. The results of that may influence the opinions and behavior of Senators.

And -- by historical precedent, Nixon resigned when the House committee hearings made it obvious to most Americans that he was, after all, a crook, even before the whole House had a chance to vote.
Knowing how deep the shit is t won't cooperate with subpoenas nor allow anyone in his orbit to testify. Now the question is now what?
The House has the power to hold hearings and subpoena testimony and documents before deciding whether to send a bill of impeachment to the Senate. The results of that may influence the opinions and behavior of Senators.

And -- by historical precedent, Nixon resigned when the House committee hearings made it obvious to most Americans that he was, after all, a crook, even before the whole House had a chance to vote.
That was then and you know that’s not happening.