
Look who else shelled out for Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh’s stupid ‘Healthy Holly’ books

Posted at 8:29 pm on April 02, 2019 by Brett T.

As Twitchy has reported, Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh is taking a leave of absence while her “Healthy Holly” book scam blows up. It seems the University of Maryland Medical System snatched up 100,000 copies of the mayor’s self-published book series at a cost of $500,000 … while she sat on the UMMS board of directors.



Another day, another buyer of Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh's Healthy Holly books is exposed: the quasi-public Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund, which made the $7,500 purchase shortly before Pugh successfully sponsored legislation sought by the company. https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-maif-contributes-to-healthy-holly-20190402-story.html …


4:48 PM - Apr 2, 2019


Replying to @AlecMacGillis

In case you're keeping score at home, this comes on top of:
1. A $500K purchase by the medical system on whose board Pugh sat.
2. A >$100,000 purchase by Kaiser Permanente, which was seeking a city contract.
3. An $87K purchase by a local nonprofit that won a big city contract.


4:52 PM - Apr 2, 2019
Au contraire my ignorant white privileged little piggy. You have no idea what the Black Panthers (now gray) did or do, do you?
I got your little piggy hangin' bitch...

Here you ignorant slut, read up and shut up...

The Black Panthers were involved in numerous violent encounters with police. In 1967, founder Huey Newton allegedly killed Oakland police officer John Frey. Newton was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in 1968 and was sentenced to two to 15 years in prison. An appellate court decision later reversed the conviction.

Eldridge Cleaver, editor of the Black Panther’s newspaper, and 17-year old Black Panther member and treasurer Bobby Hutton, were involved in a shootout with police in 1968 that left Hutton dead and two police officers wounded.

Conflicts within the party often turned violent too. In 1969, Black Panther Party member Alex Rackley was tortured and murdered by other Black Panthers who thought him a police informant.

Black Panther bookkeeper Betty Van Patter was found beaten and murdered in 1974. No one was charged with the death, though many believed that party leadership was responsible.

Newton and Seale drew on Marxist ideology for the party platform. They outlined the organization’s philosophical views and political objectives in a Ten-Point Program.
The Black Panther Party officially dissolved in 1982.

New Black Panther Party
The New Black Panther Party is a black nationalist organization founded in Dallas, Texas, in 1989. Members of the original Black Panther Party say there’s no relation between the New Black Panther Party and the original Black Panthers.

The United States Commission on Civil Rights and the Southern Poverty Law Center have called the New Black Panther Party a hate group.

Au contraire my ignorant white privileged little piggy. You have no idea what the Black Panthers (now gray) did or do, do you?

Why do you constantly bring up " White " .....are you ashamed of the " White " culture ..?

Given enough time and steering I can guarantee you would say the same remarks about
" Black " humans.......

You are the absolute worst kind of Racist SOB......You are a Play-Doh Racist....

Then to further that you embrace and Idolize a Terrorist Organization, not because they
are Terrorists.....But because YOU are a Play-Doh Racist....

" A Man who stands for nothing will fall for anything "
He is just can't say origins, kinda like Obama can't say 50 states.

I don't think that is the same thing. You're kind of comparing Tim Apples to Oranges.

Don The Con's brain is fried - we're going to see a lot more of this and it's going to be funny as hell. When Reagan lost his marbles they were at least able to keep him under wraps. That's not going to happen with Commander Bone Spurs.
I don't think that is the same thing. You're kind of comparing Tim Apples to Oranges.

Don The Con's brain is fried - we're going to see a lot more of this and it's going to be funny as hell. When Reagan lost his marbles they were at least able to keep him under wraps. That's not going to happen with Commander Bone Spurs.
I don't think that is the same thing. You're kind of comparing Tim Apples to Oranges.

Don The Con's brain is fried - we're going to see a lot more of this and it's going to be funny as hell. When Reagan lost his marbles they were at least able to keep him under wraps. That's not going to happen with Commander Bone Spurs.

You ooooooooze Jealousy and Envy as do numerous other Liberal/Socialists with TDS......

I notice your neighbor just bought a new car, hurry up and over encumber your finances
so you can be the big little swingin dick on the block again....don't forget the gold chains
and flamboyant shirts.....
Lies and verbal slip ups go to t 1,000 to 1, but the aggrieved, t-swallowers can't acknowledge that as it would blow there cover.
You and Trump are pretty much a matching pair when it comes to lies, nonsense & exaggeration...congratulations duck.
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