2016-17 D1 Women's soccer thread!!!

Santa Clara also has the Jerry Smith factor going for them...9-6-4 record.
Anyone else with that record wouldn't get the invite...

A team's raw record doesn't matter as long as it is .500 or better, although there is some disagreement about whether they use 3 points for a win when calculating the .500. Santa Clara's record qualifies either way. And the coach's reputation doesn't enter into it at all.

The primary ranking for tournament selection is the RPI calculated by NCAA, of which 75% is related to opponents' overall records, often characterized as strength of schedule. In the latest release of RPI, Santa Clara is #37.


The selection method is spelled out in the Pre-Championship Manual, starting on page 15, along with the bonus and penalty table in Appendix C on page 26 --

Yeah, my dd and wife were pretty upset this morning. I talked to Kevin this morning. He will land on his feet and build another program. ASU looking to build up their sports program. Wanted to improve their Basketball team so they brought in Bobby Hurley. Swimming they brought in Phelps. So who they bringing in for the Soccer team? I have an idea of who I think would be a good fit.
Yeah, my dd and wife were pretty upset this morning. I talked to Kevin this morning. He will land on his feet and build another program. ASU looking to build up their sports program. Wanted to improve their Basketball team so they brought in Bobby Hurley. Swimming they brought in Phelps. So who they bringing in for the Soccer team? I have an idea of who I think would be a good fit.
That sucks, sorry to hear that.
A friend of mine had that happen to both of their kids, baseball and softball at D1 schools.
Sucks about Boyd. I feel for the players & parents who are committed to ASU. This is the nightmare scenario we as parents all have in the backs of our minds when our DDs are choosing schools. I'm sure these players are all of a high enough caliber that they'll be fine if they choose to stay or will find other offers at quality schools. Another reminder that academics are more important than athletics when it comes to scholarship money.
Yeah, my dd and wife were pretty upset this morning. I talked to Kevin this morning. He will land on his feet and build another program. ASU looking to build up their sports program. Wanted to improve their Basketball team so they brought in Bobby Hurley. Swimming they brought in Phelps. So who they bringing in for the Soccer team? I have an idea of who I think would be a good fit.
Clarino doesn't know who will be hired. Bigsoccer is a better source for college info. It was posted that the ASU job was open last night.
What happened at Maryland?


Once the coach resigned most of their recruits switched commitments elsewhere and most of their top players transferred. Their leading scorer Alex Anthony now plays for $C. The program is in shambles and will take some time to claw it's way back to respectability especially with their recruiting pipeline devastated. On the good side it is a good academic school so even if the soccer is a struggle the degree is valuable.
I would like for UCLA's Louise Liberman to apply for the ASU head coaching job. Women's soccer can use another women head coach in which they are so underrepresented. She has been a UCLA assistant coach for 7 years and should be ready to take the next step.

I would also like to see Diego Bocanegra apply for the position. He is from SoCal and a former assistant coach at Cal State Fullerton and currently the assistant coach at Notre Dame. I would think he has enough on his coaching resume to be considered if interested.
A team's raw record doesn't matter as long as it is .500 or better, although there is some disagreement about whether they use 3 points for a win when calculating the .500. Santa Clara's record qualifies either way. And the coach's reputation doesn't enter into it at all.
I was thinking of Pepperdine a few years back 9 - 5 - 4 beat Santa Clara 2-1...Santa Clara went to the party.
Pepperdine didn't get the invite...just sour grapes from me :cool:
I'd like to believe reputations/politics don't enter in to it at all...but call me Thomas.
Good luck to all in the NCAA's
I have been in contact with parents of current players there and Commits. Its my daughters dream school with the Major that she wants. Journalism. So she is still on board if the new staff will have her along with the other parents I have spoken to. So we will see.

Good luck to your daughter. Smart of her to pick the school not the coach.
I like Pepp's chances. Cal lost 3-0 to St. Mary's this season. Plus, they are 3-3 in the first round of the NCAA tournament going back to 2010:

'15 - Loss vs. LMU 0-1
'14 - Win vs. SDSU 3-2
'13 - Loss vs. Santa Clara 1-2
'12 - Win vs. Pepperdine 1-0
'11 - Draw vs. Santa Clara 1-1 (Cal went on to win in PKs)
'10 - Loss vs. Duke 1-2

Santa Clara will get drubbed by Long Beach State.
I dont see LB drubbing Santa Clara.
I see a 1-0 or 2-1 game that could go either way.
I like Pepperdine at home against Cal 1-0

NC State could upset Minnesota.

The rest of the games are ho-hum.