The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I was so deeply moved when the two 120 year olds came up to Trump on the campaign trail to bed him to bring home their son's remains. It moved me to tears.

Trump is a fascistic lying POS. But hey, he's Pres, so washing machines won't attack Murica.
I was so deeply moved when the two 120 year olds came up to Trump on the campaign trail to bed him to bring home their son's remains. It moved me to tears.

Trump is a fascistic lying POS. But hey, he's Pres, so washing machines won't attack Murica.
I understand you and your relatives didn't have the courage to serve so you have no skin in the game.
You sound a little bit emotional today, too much winning?
Are you watching Pompeo and the head Chicom right now?
Wow! You really took time for me there, you really care!
Whoopsie Daisy.


San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz infamously picked a fight with President Trump in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria last year, the storm that devastated Puerto Rico. The official death toll was 64, but Gov. Ricardo Rossello suggested the actual number is higher. President Trump signed a $36.5 billion aid package for the nation. Some of the aid took awhile to get to its destination. Cruz took aim at the White House in those months, accusing the U.S. government of turning its back on them.

Some of her messages were indirect. She wore a "Nasty Woman" shirt on CNN, in reference to Trump's insult for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. Others were not blatant, like when she said Trump "speaks out of both sides of his mouth."

"On the one hand, he says he wants to help Puerto Rico. On the other hand, he imposed a 20% income tax on every good and service that comes from Puerto Rico into the United States. On the one hand, he says we will be with you for the long run. And on the other hand, the [Food and Drug Administration] is trying to convince pharmaceutical companies to leave Puerto Rico," she told Amanpour.

"He says he cares and he came here and threw paper towels at us," she continued, referring to Trump's visit to the city of Guaynabo in October. "And on the other hand, he doesn't provide his administration with a clear set of goals to help Puerto Rico."
I understand you and your relatives didn't have the courage to serve so you have no skin in the game.
You sound a little bit emotional today, too much winning?
Are you watching Pompeo and the head Chicom right now?
You have become predictable, with a cliche reply repertoire. Attack the poster, assert they are overly emotional, spew some fever swamp slogans, then repeat.

. . . and you and nono have this habit of bringing up whether someone served the military or not yet neither of you regales us with your military exploits?
Whoopsie Daisy.


San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz infamously picked a fight with President Trump in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria last year, the storm that devastated Puerto Rico. The official death toll was 64, but Gov. Ricardo Rossello suggested the actual number is higher. President Trump signed a $36.5 billion aid package for the nation. Some of the aid took awhile to get to its destination. Cruz took aim at the White House in those months, accusing the U.S. government of turning its back on them.

Some of her messages were indirect. She wore a "Nasty Woman" shirt on CNN, in reference to Trump's insult for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. Others were not blatant, like when she said Trump "speaks out of both sides of his mouth."

"On the one hand, he says he wants to help Puerto Rico. On the other hand, he imposed a 20% income tax on every good and service that comes from Puerto Rico into the United States. On the one hand, he says we will be with you for the long run. And on the other hand, the [Food and Drug Administration] is trying to convince pharmaceutical companies to leave Puerto Rico," she told Amanpour.

"He says he cares and he came here and threw paper towels at us," she continued, referring to Trump's visit to the city of Guaynabo in October. "And on the other hand, he doesn't provide his administration with a clear set of goals to help Puerto Rico."
.and? Where's the problem? Besides Trump's response, actually lack thereof . . . . . and no, throwing paper towels at reporters and government officials didn't help. Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina, tone deaf and uncaring.
I understand you and your relatives didn't have the courage to serve so you have no skin in the game.
You sound a little bit emotional today, too much winning?
Are you watching Pompeo and the head Chicom right now?

Hi. You must be a 130 and the dim, addled, racist parent of a Korean vet as well. It explains a lot. (Did you see Potus SALUTE a North Korean general who likely oversaw Otto Warmbier being tortured to death? Anyone who applauds that move is flat out scum.)

Meanwhile, in the further "anals" of an American Crime Family story....
Hi. You must be a 130 and the dim, addled, racist parent of a Korean vet as well. It explains a lot. (Did you see Potus SALUTE a North Korean general who likely oversaw Otto Warmbier being tortured to death? Anyone who applauds that move is flat out scum.)

Meanwhile, in the further "anals" of an American Crime Family story....
More of the same, and the nutters applaud, they don't care, they have been brainwashed and now feel being anti-traditional American values is somehow patriotic, I wonder where they got that idea? see: right-wing fever swamp media sources, there is where you will find the "enemy of the state".
.and? Where's the problem? Besides Trump's response, actually lack thereof . . . . . and no, throwing paper towels at reporters and government officials didn't help. Puerto Rico is Trump's Katrina, tone deaf and uncaring.
I hope she goes to jail, what's with all the corruption on the left?
Hi. You must be a 130 and the dim, addled, racist parent of a Korean vet as well. It explains a lot. (Did you see Potus SALUTE a North Korean general who likely oversaw Otto Warmbier being tortured to death? Anyone who applauds that move is flat out scum.)

Meanwhile, in the further "anals" of an American Crime Family story....
Just a bit of an awkward situation, at least he didn't bow.
So what did Trump say in his private meeting with Kim?
Oh, you don't know?
Then STFU and give Trump a chance, what's it been, 2 whole days?
It's his birthday for Christs sake.

More of the same, and the nutters applaud, they don't care, they have been brainwashed and now feel being anti-traditional American values is somehow patriotic, I wonder where they got that idea? see: right-wing fever swamp media sources, there is where you will find the "enemy of the state".
Happy Flag Day to all the left wing pinkos in here, yes you Husker Du.
Happy Flag Day to all the left wing pinkos in here, yes you Husker Du.
From It Can’t Happen Here (1935): “But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.”

“When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled ‘made in Germany’; it will not be marked with a swastika; it will not even be called fascism; it will be called, of course, ‘Americanism'”
From It Can’t Happen Here (1935): “But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.”

“When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled ‘made in Germany’; it will not be marked with a swastika; it will not even be called fascism; it will be called, of course, ‘Americanism'”
You should direct this at your left wing antifa-anti-American comrades.