The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Today President Trump May Have Put the Libertarian Party Out of Business AND Locked Up the Millennial Vote For 2020

Posted at 4:00 pm on June 08, 2018 by streiff


Today, President Trump weighed, unscripted, into another hot-button issue. Legal pot, licit ganja.

Even though marijuana remains a Schedule 1 narcotic, it is legal in some form in most states. In nine states, it is permitted for recreational use. States were permitted to do this under the authority of what was known as the Cole Memorandum, a DOJ memo, which did for weed what the Napolitano Memo did for illegal aliens. Based on the fiction of “prosecutorial discretion” the Obama administration did an end run around Congress. While marijuana laws were on the books, DOJ was told not to enforce them. Like any other policy pulled out of one’s butt, it was subject to the vagaries of political fortune. One of the first things Jeff Sessions did upon becoming Attorney General and discovering real crime had vanished and law enforcement and prosecutors were literally dying of boredom was to rescind that memo.

In a press encounter today, President Trump said that he would sign a bill changing the status of marijuana should it reach his desk.
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 203002, member: 1585"

Seriously, how do you not love this guy?

On his mind, but not stated !
" Fuck You Angela ....just Fuck You ! "


To borrow from Rick's thread..... "Adding a caption ". Thanks.
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 203002, member: 1585"

Seriously, how do you not love this guy?


On his mind, but not stated....
" Fuck You Angela....Just Fuck You ! "


To borrow from Ricky's Thread....." Add a Caption ".
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 203002, member: 1585"

Seriously, how do you not love this guy?


On his mind, but not stated....
" Fuck You Angela....Just Fuck You ! "


To borrow from Ricky's Thread....." Add a Caption ".

I see it as more of a "go fuck yourself, or go along with the program, and everything will be fine" kinda look.
Interestingly enough, the Chicom seems to agree.